My BLRW is hurt really bad!!!!! Please look!!


9 Years
Apr 21, 2010
Snohomish, Wa
What do I do???? I am sorry the pics are so bad. I will explain: It is a huge mass of something, it's bleeding on the top and underneath it has some green stuff that is not oozing but the whole mass is about the size of an egg. I thought he was sick because he has been droopy lately, tail down that wing was dawn and he keeps falling asleep standing up, he eats and drinks just fine, so then I thought it was lice/ mites (which it still could be) so I treated him for that and that is when I noticed it. I have no idea how long it has been there or how it happened.

Here is underneath the wing

Here is the top of his wing

In the scope of chicken injuries, that's much uglier looking than it's likely to end up being. Smother it in Neosporin (not containing anythng ending in -caine, like lidocaine) and he'll be fine.

Chickens heal flesh wounds amazingly quickly, and it's rally just a matter of cleaning them and keeping ointment on them until they fill in again. I've had hen with lots of meat showing due to massive gashes from roo toenails and they just fill in the skin on their own!

Breathe deep and keep him on high protein food. Vitamins in his water if you have them. It'll be okay!
I guess I should ask- I assumed it was a wound that got larger as it got infected- is it possible it's a tumor from your observation? there isn't a whole lot of flesh there if you think about wings from the food perspective. If he's 'cleaned' the scab it would ooze and bleed. You might wash as well as you can- wrap him in a towel except the wing (head and all) to keep control if he struggles and use a wet wash cloth gently. Poor guy!
Thanks for the help!! We have hydrogen peroxided his wound for 2 days now and I think looks a little better today than yesterday. The mass has gone down a tiny bit. We lathered him up in neosporin and the no peck and wrapped him up in an ace bandage. He is getting antibiotics and vitamins in his water and medicated food with kefir all over it and he seems to be doing the same as far as "personality" and "demeanor", he eats and drinks just fine!! Everyone, including him, and everything in and around them have been lice dusted!! I am praying for this to all work!! I am leaving for the weekend and the hubs has promised to keep an eye on things while I am gone.
He is still alive this morning
the swelling looks like it has gone down again but he has a hard time keeping his eyes open and his tail is still down. I have treated him for the lice and mites could they still be bothering him?
I wouldn't use any more hydrogen peroxide. While it is great for initally cleansing wounds, it inhibits cellular repair, so try to only use it when cleaning up a wound site, and then stick with the topical antibiotic.

Quote from Wikipedia: 3% H2O2 is used medically for cleaning wounds, removing dead tissue, and as an oral debriding agent. Peroxide stops slow (small vessel) wound bleeding/oozing, as well. However, recent studies have suggested that hydrogen peroxide impedes scarless healing as it destroys newly formed skin cells.

Keep him on heat supplementation and use the Neosporin, but use it SPARINGLY. Too much will result in him coating his feathers with the greasy ointment and will mess with the insulating properties of the feathers...think oil slick! :0)

I am not sure if it is a wound or tumor. It does look pretty big and lumpy just to be a wound, though maybe there is something going on with some of the feather follicles.

Good luck!
Do you think he is going to live?? I am very sad!! I don't want to loose him. I have neosporin on him but it is wrapped up really good and we did the Hydrogen porxide again because it was bleeding again last night. Do you think the no peck stuff is better than neosporin? He is also on an antibiotic in his water.
I don't know.... I hope that he makes it, though! I don't know what the 'no peck' stuff has in it. I'd stay w/ the Neosporin. Cut the hydrogen peroxide out of the healing program, so that hopefully you will soon see some new, pink tissue develop. Have you thoroughly debrided the wound? That is, get all the gunk off and out of it? Debriding is done first, and then, hopefully, you'll start to see granulation tissue ( replace the blood clots.

I would start to get concerned if no healing occurs after, oh, several days to a week. If it is covered where he can't peck at it and let's say a week goes by and there is NO sign of new tissue, I'd think "tumor". I'll send positive thoughts your way!!!
To me it looks like a badly infected abscess, as if he injured his wing and it became infected and abscessed. I would keep cleaning the wound and give it a good soak in warm epsom salts or hot compresses with it and then apply your antibiotic ointment and wrapping. What concerns me most is the green color, that could be gangrenous. I would give him a good antibiotic such as Penicillin or Baytril if you can get it from a vet or for parrots. Keep an eye on it because if it is gangrenous the wing may need amputation... so def. keep him on an antibiotic.
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