My boy

Alot of people make the same mistake, don't worry about it :)
Sorry about the freeze part... I have only had one go to lab, and I just brought it up to my vet, he did the rest... I honestly thought that you'd freeze them while waiting... Learned something new.
what did the free test results say?
that is a great service
Upper respiratory bacterial infection and round worms... probably could have saved him if I had had the teflon 50 on hand and had been more proactive... now I know, see a tail droop and chicken get lethargic, act fast.
Sorry about your rooster. I love mine also. He has had a respiratory infection also and I've had him in the shop for 1 1/2 wk, medicating him with Tetracycline, ACV, and Electrolytes. He was near death and wouldn't eat or drink, now he is almost completely recovered. I gave him also some Wazine for the first 3 or 4 days in the medicated water, but then stopped thinking it might be too much for him at once. I never saw any evidence of worms though, someone just told me to do that. What is the best medication for roundworms, and how do you know if they have them?
Upper respiratory bacterial infection and round worms... probably could have saved him if I had had the teflon 50 on hand and had been more proactive... now I know, see a tail droop and chicken get lethargic, act fast.

All of us learn in time. I'm sorry about your boy. I had to put mine to rest this morning, so I know how you must feel.
It is wonderful that you were able to pull him through... just wonderful. Congratulations.

Any one who has a free range flock should assume they have internal parasites... I'm no expert but I do know the round worm eggs can be picked up from the ground from many natural sources while foraging so if you have free range chickens you have round worms. I treated my flock with wazine but one treatment is not a permanent fix... kind of a pain as you have to discard the eggs for 3 weeks after treatment. The brits use a product called Flubenvet for parasites which worms the birds without having to discard the eggs. I am unclear as to why its available in England but difficult to get here... I'm going to try to get some thru f!/~/product/id=10654695 and see how it goes.
I have since found that Zimecterin Gold (ivermectin 1,155% parazequantel 7.75%) paste for equine is the best to kill all worms. Dawg told me about this and it works great. Have used it on my chickens and it works and is easy to put some on a piece of bread and give individually once and Volia! No more worms and some happy and healthy chickens!

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