My broody Barnevelder is hatching eggs. Wanna see what comes out?

Pastel the Rooster

Crossing the Road
Apr 22, 2022
Southern Georgia
My Barnevelder, Willow, is currently brooding some eggs. I have no idea how far along they are, I'm guessing maybe a week?
There are 13 eggs under her.
I'm hoping to be able to steal her eggs for a short amount of time to candle them, and get rid of any with no growth.
So, because I have no idea if any are even going to hatch, I'm not going to "adopt" any eggs out. Although all of you are welcome to tag along and see what we get.
Name suggestions, if you please! I could use some!
I was able to take all of her eggs to candle them. Out of the 13 that were under her, I got 6 good eggs.
One got smashed (I found it. Willow must have accidentally smashed it.) And unfortunately I'm pretty sure that it was fertile, but were not gonna let that stop us.
Any name suggestions and any guesses on how many will hatch out of the 6?
Oh gosh I should update everyday-
I was able to move Willow into a better brooding spot. I realised that when trying to get the six eggs, one cracked.
I put the remaining five and saw two more eggs in the nest. One was marked and I candled the other. Looked pretty good. So now we have seven.
This all happened a few days ago.

Any thoughts of how many will hatch?
I have a few names picked out-

If only six hatch, I think that Jasper will be the name I remove. I don't know. We'll just have to see.
I'm going to candle them later today, so I'm gonna see if I can get some pictures to see the progress.
If you like the jewel themed names, how about Amethyst, Topaz, or Pearl? Onyx if you get a dark chick?
Ooooooh I love those! I actually used to have a snake named Onyx... well, sometimes its name was Onixia, and other times Onyx. But I love the names Pearl and Amethyst! Topaz is cute too!
I think that most will be dark chicks seeing what my friend got from the eggs I gave her.

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