My broody buster method...may be worth a try


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 15, 2014
I recently had a broody hen, nothing seemed to break her. I decided to bring her inside the house for an hour or so. The kids played with her and held her. She also ate and drank while inside as well, where previously she had no interest. Maybe a radical change of environments was all she needed to come around. I put her back in the coop and she jumped up next to the others on the roost. Next day she was back with the flock....not saying it will work all the time, but in this case it did.
I'm desperate. My broody is testing my patience to the max! Tomorrow night she can come inside for an hour of tv and relaxation.

I'm willing to try anything!

- Krista
Hope it works for you Krista. Maybe being around our four kids, the hen realized no way in hell do I want chicks! LOL!
That's funny!

I can just imagine what's going through their little brains - "HELL, NO!"

- Krista
Good luck with your hen Krista. I'm pretty new to the chicken take any advice I offer with caution. Like I mentioned, in this case it worked time who knows!

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