My broody hen was forced off her eggs for a few hours during "lock down". Do you think they will survive?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 24, 2012
My Broody hen has two, day old chicks in her Kitty Litter Bucket turned nest box. There is a lip on the box and the chicks had hopped out of the box and couldn't get back in with mom. Momma, being a good mom, made the descision to look after the babies that had hatched and left the box, covering up her chicks and keeping them warm in front of the box. I was out shopping, went to check on them and discovered the situation. The eggs were cool to the touch. It's not very cold here. The high today was 90 degrees and was 75 degrees when I discovered what had happened. Momma is back in her nest and on the eggs. Do you think they will survive? They were due to pip and hatch tomorrow. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Tomorrow, I'm going to shorten the lip on the box so the chicks can get in and out on their own.

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