My broody japanese quail just had babies!

Kinda like an incubator/hatcher and brooder setup?

Coturnix are not generally good parents! That's why God created incubators and brooders.

Personally I don't see how you can say that since you also say they never go broody. If you think they never go broody then how would you know if they are good parents? Seems they do go broody on occasion so I would think they could be good parents given the right set-up. After all, there are wild coturnix, surely they don't have someone artificially incubating and brooding their eggs.

We really shouldn't fight here because I don't have a mod in my pocket. How did your last broody coturnix endeavor turn out? Triumph or tragedy?

Who do you trust your coturnix eggs to....Incubator and brooder...or a broody coturnix?
Still have batches of babies coming. So cute!

I don't have an incubator so I have had to rely on the hens. I think that it was the male killing the young chicks. Once the chicks are a couple of weeks old, they go back in the aviary and they seem be "accepted" by the flock. Some males are going to have to find new homes soon. As I am surely heading into trouble...

The hen does not like things around the nest disturbed. I moved something away from her nest so that I could have better access and she abandoned the clutch that she had been sitting on though I did not actually mess with her eggs.

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