My Buff Leghorns? Or are they Buff Orpington?


5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
Central PA
The light color hens are in question. They do have yellow legs and their eggs started out as a cream color but are now bright white so I am thinking leghorns as told...BUT I have one that has gone broody. Everything I've read said that they rarely do.

Also, when she began her nesting, egg production overall dropped from 6-7 eggs a day from my girls down to 3. Is this just a coincidence - perhaps due to to the chilly temps we are now getting - or is this something that might happen since she took the favorite nest?

BTW...the rooster has been rehomed a while back so there is no chance of fertile eggs ;)
I believe (though I'm not certain) the buff is fairly new in leghorns, and if that is the case, the genetics may still be a little higgledy-piggledy. I know @The Moonshiner is rather the expert on the breed, so maybe can help you. Although it is uncommon for layer type breeds like Leghorns to brood, it does happen; I have a brown Leghorn who sits fairly often.
They're probably hatchery quality buff Leghorns if you got them from a feed store or hatchery, or possibly some mixed layer strain that the hatcheries like to offer. If you got them from a backyard breeder, they are probably Leghorn mixes.

The drop in production is likely do to the season and shorter daylight hours rather than nest hogging. It could also be due to some new change or stress your hens may be experiencing.
I believe (though I'm not certain) the buff is fairly new in leghorns, and if that is the case, the genetics may still be a little higgledy-piggledy. I know @The Moonshiner is rather the expert on the breed, so maybe can help you. Although it is uncommon for layer type breeds like Leghorns to brood, it does happen; I have a brown Leghorn who sits fairly often.
Buff Leghorns were admitted to the Standard in 1894, so not new, but hatchery Leghorns can be very off in type, especially with the rarer colors.

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