My Buff Orpington Roo (new pics updated)


12 Years
Mar 2, 2007
North West South Dakota
Here's a pic of my roo

Sorry guys I was in a hurry with that last picture, and thought I copied the correct picture. Here goes nothing.


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Your picture is kinda far off to see very clearly. Are they white Orpingtons rather than Buffs? I was just wondering how is the temperment of a Buff Orpington roo? I was just wondering because the hens seem to have a pretty good temperment.
Once again I am gotten grrrrr. I just assume it was the bird on the right. I shoulda known you were making a joke! Maybe I should change my username from Hotwings to the Fool lol.
Here is a pic of my Buff orp roo and his 3 hens. As far as temprament goes, he is the most laid back rooster. He is definantly a gentlemen. He lets his ladies eat first and he is always leading them around and protecting them. He likes to hang in the yard around people and he has never even tried to chase anyone. I would definantly reccomend them as a wonderful roo. Enjoy the pics.


It is the sandbox that my late grandfather put in for me! I cant bear to get rid of it. The swing in the background is one that my dog thought would make a good chew toy! Dogs! My chickens like to hang out there and pick for bugs. My son doesnt always like them in there but he is 3.
If your ever up by Grand forks, ND, i would be willing to meet you with some buff eggs that you can hatch. I have them comming out my ears!
I love my buff roo!! He's such a sweety and so nice to his girls. He thinks he's a lap chicken and never complains when I pick him up.

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