My Chick has an Eye-Infection and I Don't Know What to Do!

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what a sweetie!
Her eye doesn't look that bad, I would use some tea a few times a day and let it work through its cycle. Sometimes another chick can do that, or their own foot, but personally I wouldnt' use antibiotics yet.
She is a doll, makes me want to snuggle her and also understand why you are worried, your a good chicken parent!
I have lots of different species of animals so have lots of different meds on hand. I had a chick get a closed/goopy eye and I first used NFZ puffer on it. When that didn't get it I used a pen-g directly in the eye. It was better the next day. My thought was that worst case she would be blind, best case could recover. She recovered and is doing well. Sometimes experience gets you through it.
I just bought some tea and put it on poor Odin's eye at last!
She struggled a bit but I finally got it on. Poor Odin. I put her back in the coop and she seems to be settling down fine. The skin around her eye was a little reddish at first but by the time I got back with more water she seemed okay.
Wish my luck and thanks for the cure!
Good luck to you and odin! Cute name for a real cutie of a chick.
When using antibiotics, just like with us humans, it causes a resistant bacteria. Perhaps the bacteria that is causing an infection needs to work through, or the chicks immune system needs to kick in.
I personally had a necropsy done on a hen, one of my faves. Let me give a bit of history, when I recieved this hen she had an eye issue, kinda heavy breathing wheezy. First thing I did was Tetracycline. She came up with a stuffy look, gave her tetracyline for CRD, that 99% of us have in our flocks.
Heck if she coughed, I'd put that in the water for all the girls, if its good for one, its good for all of them...(not as much as I sound but close)...Kathleen, my little show quality blue cochin went broody, began to cough, refused to eat or drink. I put some Tetracycline in the water and spooned it to her, she was in rough shape.
I culled her, sent her to the UMO for a necropsy, and what did we find out...the pneumonia that Kathleen had was resistant to tetracycline.
Please, do not use antibiotics if you do not have to. For animal or human. Why is it that we need so many OTC drug for a common cold when we can use 1/2 strength (my mom uses childrens) to take the edge off something we need to become ammune to.

Sorry to have taken of on your issue, and for your birds health, I am not against antibiotics, but if it can happen to me, it will happen to you, save it when its a major issue.

I am glad you are trying some of the alternative remedies first.
Personally, I need to start having that cup of tea during the day, cure my bout of crabbiness!!!!!!!!! Have a good day!

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