My Chicken is making weird noises?

yeah heres the video.
That sounds like button quail.
yes im totally sure its my chicken because i can see that everytime the sound is made her mouth moves! if it helps this is how she lookes like (shes the taller one)
Those are quail. If they're button quail, which I would guess from the sound, they can't be three months old. That picture looks like about 3-4 weeks old. Button quail are also tiny, about 4" long as adults.
That sounds like button quail.

Those are quail. If they're button quail, which I would guess from the sound, they can't be three months old. That picture looks like about 3-4 weeks old. Button quail are also tiny, about 4" long as adults.

yeah i shouldve mentioned that i took that picture a few weeks ago. Quick question though, is there by chance that you know why one of my quails made that noise?
yeah i shouldve mentioned that i took that picture a few weeks ago. Quick question though, is there by chance that you know why one of my quails made that noise?
That's a button male crow. You may also hear him make a growling sound sometimes.

Oh, if you're feeding them chicken feed and treating them like chickens, they are going to have some problems. You may want to start getting a bit of information here:

A lot of the information is for coturnix quail, but their care is similar.

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