My chicken is sick

About 2 days ago she started staying inside a lot more and just standing there. Now she won’t even try to eat or drink and doesn’t go outside her feathers are always fluffed up and her eyes are closed
Start by checking her over.

Is her vent okay? No prolapse or haemorrhoid again? Is there poop caked/stained on her feathers?

Check her feathers around her vent, under her wings, on her neck. Is there sign of moving insects? Lice are flat and light brown coloured. Mites are tiny and circular. If you are not sure about mites, take a wet piece of toilet paper and dab any dirt you see on her skin/feathers. If the dirt “bleeds” in a ring on the paper, she has mites.

Does she have any swelling in her abdomen between her vent and and her breast bone? Is it squishy or hard?

Check the bottoms of her feet for wounds.

How does her crop feel?

Does she have any changes to her comb and wattles, any discolouration or wounds?

Do you worm your chickens?

If you see her poop, what does it look like?

Does she usually lay eggs?

I would bring her inside and set her up somewhere you can keep an eye on her.
Yes I checked her vent and it looks normal. And I don’t see any lice everything looks good, except her comb used to be bright red now it’s a light reddish-orange I do worm them and she usually lays eggs but since she looked sick she hasn’t been laying any eggs. Now she is inside.
Here’s a picture from a little bit earlier ago where you can see her more clearly. And I haven’t seen her poop yet.
If she’s not eating or drinking the floppy comb could be due to dehydration.

Try to encourage her to drink by dipping her beak in a dish of water.

Can you feel around her abdomen between her vent and her breast bone (the bone that runs along their underside). Does it feel squishy, hard or swollen?

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