my chicken isn't walking anymore

May 16, 2023
I noticed my chicken(11 weeks) limping about 2 days ago and now she refuses to walk or stand up at all. I've checked her feet/legs for any cuts or injuries and I don't see any sign of infection. She seems like her legs are getting weaker. She still drinks water and eats food. I'm very concerned and don't know what to do. I thought she might've sprained her leg from jumping down somewhere, but it hasn't gotten any better. Only worse.
Welcome To BYC

Can you post photos of your chick, her legs/feet/joints?
What do you feed including treats?
What's her poop like/
Is she the only chick you have?

I'd start with giving her 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily, you can crush it up and add it to a small amount of feed or just pop the tablet piece into her beak and let her swallow.
Welcome To BYC

Can you post photos of your chick, her legs/feet/joints?
What do you feed including treats?
What's her poop like/
Is she the only chick you have?

I'd start with giving her 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily, you can crush it up and add it to a small amount of feed or just pop the tablet piece into her beak and let her swallow.

Here are some pictures of her legs. She can move her left leg but not her right. And she will still grip a little with her left foot. She doesn't move her right leg or foot at all. She won't stand anymore.

I feed her the Purina DuMor 16% Layer Pellet and occasionally Flock Party Breakfast Blends "Apple and Raisins"

Her poop is really smelly and large. Since she's been laying down all the time, I've been cleaning her feathers near her vent because she doesn't move to poop. I've made sure her vent is clean and its not(or has ever) been blocked.

She's not the only chicken I have. I have 3 more but I've isolated her from them. They all seem completely fine and happy. I haven't seen any of the others limping or acting differently. They were all raised together and are the same age.

I've been giving her vitamin B every morning for 2 days now. There hasn't been much change but I've noticed she doesn't want to eat or drink much. She also seems to be blinking a lot.

I'm very confused on what is wrong with her.
chicken(11 weeks)

I feed her the Purina DuMor 16% Layer Pellet and occasionally Flock Party Breakfast Blends "Apple and Raisins"
I've been giving her vitamin B every morning for 2 days now.

How long have you been feeding her Layer Pellets?

I'd provide her with Chick Starter or an all flock feed that is at least 18-20% protein. Layer feed has too much calcium and too low of protein for growing chicks. I would not switch to layer feed until a bird comes into lay. Omit the treats for a while, if you want to give her a little something extra then give her scrambled egg, fish or meat.

From what I can see in the photo, you are giving Rooster Booster Liquid B12 which is Cobalamin and it's only B12.

There are 8 B Vitamins. (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12). You want to use B-Complex which contains them all. You can find B-Complex on the vitamin aisle at Walmart.

It's possible that deficiency or feed is not the issue. Marek's can affect young birds as well. If you happen to lose her, then having a necropsy through your state lab would provide the best information.

I'd start with giving her 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily

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