My chicken smells "yeasty"


8 Years
Apr 15, 2015
Cleveland Ohio
I got a chicken in April that had a severe case of favus. I treated her with Micoseb shampoo(chlorhexidine and nystatin) and slathered her with antifungal cream. Cleaned a bunch of cheesy stuff out of her ears. Her feathers have mostly grown back except for her neck and head. The skin on her neck and head is very bumpy and has a lot of cheesy/yeasty smelling crud in the crevices of her skin. I am seriously wondering if I should wash her with vinegar to try to get rid of the yeasty smell. Sometimes when I squeeze her skin, cheesy/yeasty/waxy stuff comes out of the pores. She seems to be very greasy(I mean her feathers feel slightly greasy) but other wise she is fine. she is a happy chicken, her poops are good, she eats everything and loves snuggling on the couch with me because I don't want to put her out with the rest of the flock. She smells a little better after I shampoo her with the Micoseb; 'm wondering if something else would work better
Monistat? Not kidding. Shampoo then apply it? (making sure none lands in her eyes of course).

Edited to add : I would check the main ingredient of your anti-fungal and see if it's a different one from Monistat, perhaps changing active ingredient would help.
Monistat? Not kidding. Shampoo then apply it? (making sure none lands in her eyes of course).

Edited to add : I would check the main ingredient of your anti-fungal and see if it's a different one from Monistat, perhaps changing active ingredient would help.
I will check. The active ingredient in Monistat is miconazole. Nystatin is used to treat skin infections caused by yeast. I have used miconazole cream to treat her favus as well as clotrimazole. I might try ketoconazole. She seems to secrete a LOT of sebum everywhere, but her ears are extra waxy. It's difficult to find information on poultry. She is otherwise a really happy, well nourished chicken that loves snuggles......but she smells like Fritos! Like a dog's feet, I swear.
Some photos. She has some feathers on her head now but her neck is still real lumpy


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Are you aware that some chickens can suffer from skin lesions from a virus in both leukosis and Mareks disease? It could be that you are seeing something like that. There have been a few threads recently about chickens with yellow flaky skin and bare spots. Leukosis or Mareks was thought to be a possible cause. Of course, since the feathers came back with antifungal treatment, it may simply be fungus. Ketoconozole is definitely a good thing to use on fungal infections, and easily obtained from a vet. The one product my vet prescibed is TrisULTRA plus Ketoconazole. I hope that you can help your pet to eventually recover.
I got a chicken in April that had a severe case of favus. I treated her with Micoseb shampoo(chlorhexidine and nystatin) and slathered her with antifungal cream. Cleaned a bunch of cheesy stuff out of her ears. Her feathers have mostly grown back except for her neck and head. The skin on her neck and head is very bumpy and has a lot of cheesy/yeasty smelling crud in the crevices of her skin. I am seriously wondering if I should wash her with vinegar to try to get rid of the yeasty smell. Sometimes when I squeeze her skin, cheesy/yeasty/waxy stuff comes out of the pores. She seems to be very greasy(I mean her feathers feel slightly greasy) but other wise she is fine. she is a happy chicken, her poops are good, she eats everything and loves snuggling on the couch with me because I don't want to put her out with the rest of the flock. She smells a little better after I shampoo her with the Micoseb; 'm wondering if something else would work better

Another thought would be to clean her up as well as you can then spray her skin with Vetricyn hydrogel. I've never had a chicken yeast issue myself- but when re-looking the product up for another thread, it mentions that it is a yeast inhibitor. My favorite thing about it is you spray it, it dries and coats the area, nothing sticky. Most farm supply stores have it - Amazon should have it- there are "poultry" versions but the all species versions work just fine. There's the regular antimicrobial spray and then there's the hydrogel - I'm talking about the hydrogel.
Thanks! I have Vetericyn and I have had great results on the past form using it. I tried bathing her is a chlorhexodine/ketoconazole shampoo. 2 days later she is back to smelling yeasty. I will try the Vetericyn. She is such a sweet chicken even though she looks scary.

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