My chickens are shaking their heads - Help Please

from MN!

You need to catch the chicken at night time and take her into a well lighted area. Go through her tail feather shafts. Take a very close look at her vent and the open her mouth and take a close gander there.

Raise one wing at a time and look for lice or mites. When a chicken roosts, they normally hide their heads and sometimes under their wings.

I too use DE and it is a very nice unobtrusive thing to use around your chickens.

I put it where they dust bath and where the "silkie pile" is.

I do not use it in their feed or water.

Also take a close look at her legs and the bottom of the feet.

You can do a search for mites. You may also have a upper respiratory thing going on. Check her eyes and her nostrils.

Good Luck. I check one chicken every day.
added note...when using DE make sure it is marked Food Grade or Codex Food Grade. The other DE is used for swimming pools and has nasty chemcials in it.

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