My Chickens Eat Stinkbugs!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!

No kidding. We are in Calvert County MD and last summer they demolished our tomatoes in the garden. They sting them, and then the tomatoes rot and die. Last fall as it started to get cold, they would mass on our window and door screens, it was like something out of a Hitchcock movie..... We scoop them up into soapy water which coats their wings so they can't fly away. Now that it is warming up, we are seeing them in the house. Never considered giving them to the girls although they love most bugs, so stink bugs.....hmmmmmmmmm
Are they stink bugs or seed bugs? I'm curious to know. We have seed bugs in our house... they come in with the ladybugs in the fall and are kind of a nuisance. I made the mistake of accidentally sucking one up with the vaccuum cleaner, and the whole room stunk like seed bug for a good 15 minutes! They are also commonly called stink bugs, but they are not what a bug geek would call a stink bug. I've never seen an actual stink bug, only the seed bugs.

Here's a link to an article about them. Scroll down to the last paragraph of the " Related or Similar Insects" heading.
Ours ate the tomato hornworms like nobody's business, they love the weirdest things... like dead water moccasins.

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