My Chickens Have Black Poop!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 12, 2014
Hello friendly people of Backyard Chickens! I have gathered you here to discuss chicken poo. One of my seven week old chickens has been pooping out black diarrhea-y stuff. All of my other chickens have nice regular poop. Is my chicken sick?
I am computer illiterate sometimes. I have tried to upload a thread for you, but it says I do not have permission....? Anyways, Check out The Chicken Chick-poop chart. Sometimes odd poo can be cause for worry. No worries about calling a meeting for poo. We talk about it all the time!
Do you think this chicken could have ate anything that the others did not eat? That is very young to have odd poo. How long has this been occurring? How does the chicken act otherwise? What breed?

Welcome to Backyard Chickens! Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
The chicken shouldn't have eaten anything different from the other chickens, though we do let them outside sometimes and it could of picked something up there. we started noticing the black poo about a week ago. we have not noticed any odd behavior among any of the chickens. We're not sure what chicken has been pooping the black stuff, we have 3 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Easter Egger, and 5 Silkies.
Thanks for helping!
The chicken shouldn't have eaten anything different from the other chickens, though we do let them outside sometimes and it could of picked something up there. we started noticing the black poo about a week ago. we have not noticed any odd behavior among any of the chickens. We're not sure what chicken has been pooping the black stuff, we have 3 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Easter Egger, and 5 Silkies.
Thanks for helping!
Is it black poop or is it dark brown cecal poop?

Cecal poop can look like this:
Does it look like this?

No flash


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