My Chickies :)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 27, 2011
Well, this year I hatched quite a few baby chicks myself for the first time, and got some amazing colors!

My 2 hens and rooster. The roosters name is derp, and the girls are annabell and Bonnie


Derp Sitting atop the dog house coop, surveying his kingdom


These are all Dekalb Black (not a very common breed, the come from a hatchery called Sunnyside if you are interested, the are bred for production and i don't think the breed is pure) Buff Orpington Crosses, with the buff orp being a rooster. I especially like the color of the females, they look like partridge color with golden breast feathers, i'm waiting in anticipation to see what they look like when they get older.

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