My chicks are cold.

How can I keep my 2 week old chick warm

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Dec 11, 2017
Hi! I'm Emerald. I had six beautiful chicks. One was drowned , other eaten by a cat. Two died of an illness. I am realy sad because of this great loss. And I want to grow my other two left chicks into beautiful hens. Please wish them a long life. Now it's nearly winter and getting preety cold so I want to ask you how to keep them warm.
Answer me quick please! Because they realy cold. First time owning chicks in my life.
No experience:(
this on is 250 watt. If you could find the 125 watt heat lamp that would be better. find a box or container where they can have a warm side and a cool side. Week one needs to be about 95 degrees and down 5 degrees each week until room temp. That means you container should be atleast 85. Chick Starter /grower for feed. and a water source just make sure the chicks cant drowned.
Hello! A heat lamp is most convenient however for the moment you could use a hot water bottle, a bean bag heated in the microwave, you could fill empty cans with hot water and put a towel over them for the chicks to snuggle up to, you could fill and empty milk carton up with hot water and cover that in a towel... etc just try to make something that will give them a heat source

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