My chicks are here!


10 Years
Feb 24, 2010
SW Florida
They were supposed to arrive a month apart...but the breeder kept postponing. I didn't even know they were also going to be at the post office this morning when I went to pick up the chicks from Meyer Hatchery. So now I have 31 chicks at the same time. The Meyers chicks hatched yesterday, 12 of the chicks from the breeder are at least a day or two old because they have little wing feathers. Four others from her are about 2 weeks old, they are big and much more feathered. I didn't plan on them all being here at once, so they can't all go together. So they are in 3 separate rubbermaid containers.

One of the Ameraucanas is looking like it's not going to make it. Won't eat or drink, just lays there. One of the Meyers chicks has splayed legs. So I will probably have DH put them out of their misery when he gets home.
We can't keep them ALL anyway. I guess 2 out of 36 isn't bad.

I can't wait to see which marans I got from Meyers. I ordered 5 from the Rare Marans collection.
Wow! Congratulations on your flock! Can't wait to see some pics! Hope your Ameraucana makes it! The other one's leg can be fixed, can't it? Have fun with your new babies!
I think it can be fixed, but I'm not sure how or if it's worth the hassle since we are going to just have to get rid of some anyway. We were going to keep them all and build bigger run space, but now we can't build the run space, so we can only have like 25 total chickens and we already have 14. We will probably weed out the older birds though once the new ones are at POL.
My son had to take the little ameraucana outside today and put it out of it's misery. The other chicks were walking all over it and he was barely breathing.

But I just put a bandaid on the other chick to fix her legs. So we'll see.

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