My Chicks!


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
Finally I got more chicks! I've been calling TSC almost everyday, waiting, waiting, and waiting some more for them to have the right breed(s)!

This morning when I called they said they just got a shipment in this morning and they had regular sized pullet chicks! And..... I was out the door! LOL :D About 1 hour ago I got them, so I don't have any pictures yet. They are black sex-links and I have 4. I love them!

I'm thinking of naming one "Penguin". Any other names that you guys could throw out for me? Thanks!

I will get pictures as soon as I can!

- Clucky :love
They peep softly, when they are happy. Loudly when hungry, too hot, too, cold or thirsty.
This! ⬆

Day olds don't make too much noise, quiet peeping. If they start scream peeping in the first few days they are probably cold. Start them out around 88 degrees, thermometer on the floor directly under the heat source. If they pile on top of each other they are cold. If they sprawl out along the edges with wings out, they are hot. As they age, the peeping will get louder just because they can scream. :lol:

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