my daughter is selling girl scout cookies...


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 26, 2008
Washington County, Wisconsin
I'm trying to think of some unique ways to help her sell them if anyone has any suggestions! They're $3.75 a box, we have until the 27th to sell them and they come in at the end of February.
I'll help her out, the Girl Scouts are a good organazation and I know how much it means to the kids to be able to sell the cookies. Things are tough here, so can't buy many, but PM me your address and I'll send you the money for three boxes.

Please don't ship them, just donate them to someone who needs help in your area when they come in. Maybe a food pantry or homeless shelter.
Very very nice of you Mississippifarmboy! I checked out your page. Looks like you have a great farm and a wonderful family!
You know, I closed the listing right after I did it because I wasn't sure if it was a good idea because no one would want to pay for shipping. Your generosity floored me. I posted later on BYC looking for selling suggestions and received great ideas-one of which was to see if people would want to donate money towards boxes that could be sent to soldiers or given to the needy. Girl Scouts also has "cookie share" where people can buy boxes they don't receive, but that are given to area food pantries. More than learning about selling and collecting money and earning prizes, my daughter is going to learn how wonderful it feels to give to others. You are too kind!!! Thank you!

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