My daughter is selling Girl Scout Cookies...


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 26, 2008
Washington County, Wisconsin
Hi there! Does anyone have ideas for some unique ways for me to help her sell them? We've sold some to friends and family, but we can sell until the 28th and I'd like to help her earn a prize. Any suggestions are appreciated! We're out in a rural area, so we probably won't go door to door. The cookies come in at the end of February. Thanks in advance!
years ago we got permission from a local bank to stand outside their doors to sell to their customers as they were leaving. fridays are paydays so that was the day to do it. we were the second top seller in the cub scout that year.
Try and sell at stores, school, church...etc. where ever there is a lot of people. You know your area best. Pick some afternoons 2-3 hours to try and sell at one of the busy people places.

Good luck!
Some troops here collect money to send cookies to soldiers overseas. You don't have to give them enough to buy a whole box, whatever you wish to donate is accepted. Often people can't afford to buy a whole box for themselves, or they have dietary restrictions and can't have cookies. But they are glad to donate a dollar or more to help our soldiers.

Could your daughter do this and also have it count towards her sales?

Also, see if your feed store will let her sell outside. It's not like anything they have for sale, and customers might be in the mood for a sweet treat. Maybe you could bring some of your chickens to attract more attention!
Ok, so since the cookies don't come in until the end of February, we would take orders and payments now and then have contact info. so we can deliver them weeks later. Do people go for paying up front? This is our first year doing this, and so far, we've only sold to people we know, so we won't be collecting money from them until we deliver the cookies. What do you think?
My daughter has her girl scout gold award. I sold cookies for 14 years. My experience is they sell themselves. Just get the word out by mouth that you have them and people will come looking for you. Have never had a year that people didn't say afterwards, Oh I wish I had know you were selling. Get the word out that you have them. Post signs around with your contact information and people will come to you. Remember you have to deliver them so don't go too crazy.

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