My dear sweet dahlia is gone :(

I am so sorry for your loss!

I lost my 2 1/2 year old turkey to a neighbor's dog today.

Your MIL should get together with mine. When my firstborn was at All Children's Hospital and we were staying at the Ronald McDonald House, my MIL tried to give our dog away! Then when our second son was diagnosed with autism, she wanted us to GIVE her our oldest to raise, "because you have your hands full". Right.
I'm so sorry you have such a rude, unfeeling MIL, that she'd allow her nasty little ankle biters to hurt your birds. They just have no empathy for other folks or animals, people like that. Family like that is why we rarely see any relatives. Don't miss 'em a bit. Love my birds and we're perfectly fine with only our feathered kids for company up here on the mtn. I sure hope your Dahlia is found safe.
I truly hope your little bird returns to you. I know how you feel since I had this happen a couple years back with my cat. Best wishes!
Things that mean the most to us often don't mean anything to someone else. Its hard to wrap our brains around that because if we care, then they should in our minds.

I drew a picture of a horse 4 years ago. I spent over 30 hours on it. Once completed, I could have sold it for upwards of $200.00 or hung it in my own home. I chose to give to some friends whose daughter loved horses more than anything. They are in neighboring state. I called her dad this morning and told him that I was putting a website together for my art and wanted to know if they would take a good digital photo of it and send by email.

"We don't know where it is. She took it to show and tell when you gave it to her and the school has sinced closed. We'll keep looking."

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I am so sorry for your situation. Your MIL sounds just like mine: completely self-absorbed!!

I am praying that Dahlia is trying to set eggs just like she was trying to do. Someday soon, she will come out of the woods with a cute clutch!!

Praying for you and Dahlia!!

No news on dahlia but thank you again for the support. I have looked for her everyday everywhere and still haven't found a trace of her. I am still soooo sad. I think at this point I'd rather know whether she is dead or alive so I can stop worrying and get a good nights sleep. I have been leaving food and water out just in case she comes out to eat/drink. I keep praying she comes home but if she is setting somehwere it will be on an empty nest because her egg laying cycle had already stopped before she disappeared.
I hope she comes back. I felt the same after our neighbor's dog jumped over the wall and got one of our barred rocks, Pepper.

On the bright side, Our 2 buff orpington hens, Nugget (Nugg) and Princess honey, just started laying eggs
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So sorry to hear about Dahlia.
Any news?

Side note: next time your MIL comes over, tell her to tie up her little monsters so they can't reek havoc on YOUR property. Even my own dogs AREN'T good with the chickens, so they're seperated by a lovely 6' chain link fence at all times. No need to subject either species to each other if they can't handle it.

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