My "Demon Dog" with HIS chickens :)

Butternut is gorgeous
what is she? Timmy's pretty good looking, too!
What kind of chicken is the brown and white? (I think it might be butternut) Very pretty!! I want one.
LOL No Munk and Joon were being LAZY in their chair haha. It was raining that day

Butternut was my ugly duckling turned swan. She's a hatchery blue laced red wyandotte (splash), and when I first got her she was solid red on top and white underneath. Not a very striking girl lol. BUT Her personality is wonderful! She is the sweetest most inquisitive girl and she has really turned pretty with maturing. More lacing has come through and she is just still so sweet!

Tommy is a wonderful boy
I don't leave him unsupervised with the chickens but that is because he runs the fence with the dog behind us and he doesn't watch where he goes so he would easily trample a chicken. He has so many scars on his body from RUNNING into stuff! Metal, wood, crashing into rosebushes. He just doesn't look, he barges lol! bull in a china shop

AND LOL That picture is GREAT! I will have to show my mom
cute cute silkie and of course beautiful dog
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Hansom dog! Our bulldogs hang with the chickens too. Our chickens and kids are safer because of them. No predators would dare. Sometimes the chickens (and kids) bully the dogs though.

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