My DIY automatic chicken POP door opener/closer

What a great idea! I was thinking small chain. I make stained glass and have used fishing line to hang the pieces, but always worry as the line degrades over time, especially in the light. I feel more secure using a small chain, like from the hardware store.
Glasshen... thank you for comment! I don't think chain would work for me. My system uses two pulleys so that the fishing line doesn't rub against wood and also to have a smooth pull. The first pulley is inside the coop where the fishing line from the door goes up about 1 inch then makes an immediate left to the outside. Once outside, the fishing line needs to make an immediate turn down. I orginally thought about using 1/4 PVC piping as a sleeve for the string... mainly because I have extra PVC... but in the end I chose to purchase 2 pulleys from TSC because I thought it would be the right way to go for the long term.

I think some type of metal cord would probably be the best way to go.
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I love your idea but I was wondering, if you are using windshield washer fluid because it will not freeze then why have the enclosure at all? It would seem to me that the box wouldn't need to be necessary and could decrease the overall cost.
LTchicken... I think the enclosure is neccessary in that it will prevent the wind from knocking the containers around. And even though the windshield washer fluid shouldn't freeze... I think it would be best to prevent the wind-chill dropping the temperature even further and increasing the chance it could. I can also picture some small animal jumping on the containers and playing havek with the pop door. No, I would recommend an enclosure of some kind. But please note though that my enclosure is big and it didn't need to be. It just ended up that way because I was in a hurry to complete it. Big is easier... thanks...
HappyBooker1... thanks for the info. I will look into that.

What I think people need to understand though... the fishing line does not support the weight of the containers. The clothe line rope does. The fishing line only supports the weight of the plexi-door itself which is (and only when the door is open) less than 2 pounds. The fishing line I use now currently is rated to support 40 pounds. That's why I am in no hurry at this time to replace it.
I like your idea but I'm a little confused. Could you post a list of supplies and maybe a step by step process, I am not handy with tools so the simpler the better. Thank you for sharing!
The UPS units use power to keep themselves running, so even with just the timers going the UPS will only run maybe a couple of hours depending on the model.
ellie... the basic part list for this door is...

Wood (for enclosure and tracks to guide plexi door up and down.
Fishing line (or cable wire)
Weights for the plexi door (gravity to push to plexi door down)
Two containers to balance washer-fluid
Clothe line wheel and clothe line rope
Two timers (I used 3 but the 3rd one was for interior lights)
Two water pumps
Windshield washer fluid
Couple of small pulleys

If you need more help then please send me a MSG and we can chat.

IndyNC... you are correct that it depends on the model UPS. The units that have digital screens, etc... would be a bad idea.

UPDATE... So I have now gone through the entire Winter with this system and it worked like a champ! The system worked perfectly and not once did I have to go out and manually open/close the door. When there is several feet of snow out there... this was a blessing!!! And you know... I might keep the fishing line for a while longer as it appears to be in great shape.

Now that warmer weather is here... I was going to re-do the entire closure to make it smaller but... it really hasn't been a problem. I keep a 10lbs feeder inside the run and this year I'm finding the girls are eating more than last year. So instead of miniaturizing the enclosure I think I will build a custom feeder. I saw some great ideas here in Backyard chicken for that!
This is very ingenious !!

If you do find your fishing line wearing I'd just look into one of those metal reinforced types they use for deep sea fishing. They are made to not break when rubbing.
One of the most innovative and ingenious things I witnessed on this form. Thank you for sharing NYcue.

I have a guillotine type pop door and I am going to tweak your method to close mine (I will use a weak spring or added weight to close the door and one of the containers will serve as a reservoir).

Thanks again for sharing.

Well done!!

To quote Einstein:

"It is better to be a man of imagination than a man of knowledge".
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