My dogs are killing my chickens

The new genre of shock collars are very humane with there being many levels of stim plus vibrate and tone. If you don’t know how to train with them find someone who does. Do it right the first time. They also use them for rattlesnake advoidance class. You can use the righ5 amount of correction for your dog.
I have not used any "shock" on my dog that I have not used on myself. The behavior collar has an audio, a vibrate, and a shock mode. The Transmitter/receiver collar has multiple levels of stimulation, all of which are preceded by an audio alarm. My dog knows her boundaries and stays within them. Without this collar, she would have been destined to spend her life on either leash or chain b/c there was no way to keep her from bolting out of my reach, and she even to this day is a head strong knucklehead who will only come when she wants to. We continue to work on this behavior, as well as her other training. I spent months working with her before resorting to the transmitter collar. It resulted in an immediate stress reduction for her and myself. And, yes, I used positive, not negative reinforcement in my training. I was somewhat shocked (pun intended) to receive such negativism at the mention of the behavior collar. There are many ways to train an animal, and for a person to state that use of such a collar is abusive without looking at all sides of the situation is IMO rather judgemental. I consider use of a transmitter collar to be much more humane than the alternative of a dog getting run over or otherwise being injured from being off property. My dog can go outside and roam to her heart's content, whether I go out with her or not. And, she does not have to live with the restriction of being leashed, chained, or fenced.
Sorry to hear about that... I'm actually in South Jersey so we are neighbors:) if you're interested in ducks and ducklings I got quite a few and I could hook you up!! Its a different lifestyle than the chick but in my opinion I love Ducks more! They Hardyer, they do better here in the cold weather, they love the rain. And because they're so much bigger and slower dogs really don't mess with them cuz they're normally in a pack moving together. But then again my dog is pretty well-trained so I could be taking her manners for granted.
How funny is that! I do like ducks for all those reasons, but unfortunately so do all the predators around me. I've tried them twice over the past 5 or 6 years and they didn't last long at all. I'd like to try them again sometime when I have the means to better protect them. I'll keep you in mind :)

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