my dogs poop in the backyard...will my chickens eat it?

well my dogs eat chicken poop - so it is only fair to let the chickens eat dog poop LOL

only kidding I would be worried if the dogs get worms the chickens will get them not to mention if you kiss your chickens they will have butt breath LOL

Never thought about it from that viewpoint--My concern has been dogs eating chicken poop
I have never seen my chickens eat dog poop! Hope it stays that way! Now, if I can get my dog to quit eating chicken poop, I'd be so happy.
I don't think the chickens eating dog ..... is bad, it is the dog eating chicken..... that is bad, my vet told me a dog could get sick eating theirs.

I imagine if it was harmful for the chicken he would have told me since he offered his comments about the dog,

Ok maybe I'm the only one on here w/weird birds, but YES, my birds scratch through the dog poop just like they scratch through anything else. It's pretty nasty, but it makes for great fertilzer for the grass. I *never* thought about the worm thing though...but aren't they different KINDS of worms? And I worm my dogs so obsessively I doubt I have much to worry about there. I have never noticed the dogs eating chicken poo though....guess we have a role reversal in this household!

Then might want to note---the poop here is like that of a horse/elephant as I have great danes....
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