My duck is limping


5 Years
Sep 7, 2014
Tallahassee Fl
I just got home and one of my runner ducks is limping and keeps falling down. There are no apparent injuries on the leg she is limping on. It appears she is having trouble holding up her wing on the side of the limping foot.never had any problems just happened today. Can anyone tell me whats going on with her?
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Doesn't Marek's cause paralysis? Stroke? I had a mallard who had a stroke and lost all use of her leg. After around a month of "physical therapy" (makeshift cast to keep the foot flat because she was trying to walk on the top of it and moving the foot in a walking motion) she got better and went on to have no problems other than a tiny limp. Is anything else wrong?
Has she been standing out in the cold? (Just like us, if a duck’s feet get really cold, it hurts to walk, and no, not all ducks will sit down and pull their feet into their feathers. Some of mine do, some don’t.)
Has she picked up a splinter?
Has she been stung?
Has she recently taken a big jump or tripped or gotten her foot stuck?
Has she had a conflict with another duck?
Does she have bumblefoot?
Does she have a pinched nerve that is egg related?
Did she get one of her claws caught in something?
Has she been bitten by a larger animal?
Are there drakes that have been overmating?
Is she eating, drinking, pooping?

Get her into a tub of lukewarm water where she can float - watch closely. Examine for injuries. Is the leg warmer than the other? Does it feel different?

I have read that ducks are not susceptible to Marek's ( source cited was Merck Veterinary Manual).

How old is she? Ducklings can have niacin deficiency problems. If she's older, that is not likely.

If there is no apparent problem such as a splinter or bumblefoot, I would wrap the leg in an Epsom salt compress three times a day for ten minutes, followed by a tiny bit of T-Relief cream all over the leg especially at bedtime.
She is around five months old and I give them niacin regularly.
I have been doing a great amount of research and this week is the first time I have ever let them go swim in our little pond which isn't the cleanest it's covered with weeds and to me a lot of her symptoms lead me to believe she has botulism. I know nothing about the effects of botulism on ducks. It almost looks like she is Simi paralyzed and the leg shakes and twiches and her wings shake and some times fall down. Also the toes are kindof curled inward
does this sound like bochilism?
currantly she is on antibiotics and is in a dog crate. Her bud a drake hasn't left her side not once.
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She is around five months old and I give them niacin regularly.
I have been doing a great amount of research and this week is the first time I have ever let them go swim in our little pond which isn't the cleanest it's covered with weeds and to me a lot of her symptoms lead me to believe she has bochilism. I know nothing about the effects of bochilism on ducks. It almost looks like she is Simi paralyzed and the leg shakes and twiches and her wings shake and some times fall down. Also the toes are kindof curled inward
does this sound like bochilism?
currantly she is on antibiotics and is in a dog crate. Her bud a drake hasn't left her side not once.
Could be botulism I'd treat it as. and keep anyone else out of the pond for now till you can clean it. here is a link for the flushes. follow them to the T. most of us use Activated charcoal and you can get it in the antacid isle at Walmart ,CVS etc. Keep her in a warm place and quiet don't over heat her but she needs to be kept warm for now. She can still recover but it's imperative to treat her asap. And can't say enough that you follow directions completely.
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