My duck wont stop humping my boyfriend's arm


In the Brooder
May 20, 2021
Hi everyone!

We have a little black call duck named Puck. He was raised by us since he Hatched however he was the only one who made it from his clutch. He was raised alone for about 4 months around us during the heat of lockdown and had loads of attention 24/7. He even does tricks now which is fun. Eventually we were able to get his brother from our friends who had some eggs from the original clutch. They were with each other for about 6 months then last march of this year 2021. A fox broke into the coop and killed his brother named inky. The fox injured puck very badly and few hundred pounds at the vet later he is back on his feet. The last two months he's been alone at the start of the egg laying season Puck has started to hump myself and my boyfriend. He literally runs for us and does nothing but try and do it on our feet and arms whatever skin he can grab. But now we have gotten another duck as of recent and he has shown no interest in her at all. So what I'm basically asking is how the heck do I get him to focus on her and not us !.
Hi everyone!

We have a little black call duck named Puck. He was raised by us since he Hatched however he was the only one who made it from his clutch. He was raised alone for about 4 months around us during the heat of lockdown and had loads of attention 24/7. He even does tricks now which is fun. Eventually we were able to get his brother from our friends who had some eggs from the original clutch. They were with each other for about 6 months then last march of this year 2021. A fox broke into the coop and killed his brother named inky. The fox injured puck very badly and few hundred pounds at the vet later he is back on his feet. The last two months he's been alone at the start of the egg laying season Puck has started to hump myself and my boyfriend. He literally runs for us and does nothing but try and do it on our feet and arms whatever skin he can grab. But now we have gotten another duck as of recent and he has shown no interest in her at all. So what I'm basically asking is how the heck do I get him to focus on her and not us !.
Get the new duck to be as gentle of a love maker as your boyfriend?
Welcome to BYC! Do they have water? Sometimes ducks will get excited to mate in water, most of the time smaller breeds won't have any issues on land though. Is the new duck a girl for sure?
As far as taming goes, with older ducks the trick is to find their favorite food and only give it to them when they come to you. Spending time around them doing things like reading, or some other quiet activity are recommended as well. Just make every experience with you a good one and eventually she'll warm up to ya.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, but if he was my duck I would not spend any extra time with him other than doing your basic duck chores until he bonds with the new hen. He imprinted on you (being both you and your bf), he thinks that you are his flock, he is treating you as flock members and will continue to do so until you make it clear that she is his flock not you.
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Welcome to BYC! Do they have water? Sometimes ducks will get excited to mate in water, most of the time smaller breeds won't have any issues on land though. Is the new duck a girl for sure?
As far as taming goes, with older ducks the trick is to find their favorite food and only give it to them when they come to you. Spending time around them doing things like reading, or some other quiet activity are recommended as well. Just make every experience with you a good one and eventually she'll warm up to ya.
Welcome to BYC! Do they have water? Sometimes ducks will get excited to mate in water, most of the time smaller breeds won't have any issues on land though. Is the new duck a girl for sure?
As far as taming goes, with older ducks the trick is to find their favorite food and only give it to them when they come to you. Spending time around them doing things like reading, or some other quiet activity are recommended as well. Just make every experience with you a good one and eventually she'll warm up to ya.

Welcome to BYC! Do they have water? Sometimes ducks will get excited to mate in water, most of the time smaller breeds won't have any issues on land though. Is the new duck a girl for sure?
As far as taming goes, with older ducks the trick is to find their favorite food and only give it to them when they come to you. Spending time around them doing things like reading, or some other quiet activity are recommended as well. Just make every experience with you a good one and eventually she'll warm up to ya.
Thanks for the welcome. My duckies do have a paddling pool. Puck hates water. He literlly runs back inside his coop when it rains. I might have to experiment with Pebble and see what food she likes. She really likes rice that's for sure.

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