My ducks first spring!

He has kinda been cuasing some problems with their hens. And they know that I really like him so they offered him to me.
Alright, thanks guys!

I never gave mine niacin, becuase I didn't know they needed it!
We never have either, just lots of lush greens.

I have some exciting news! One of these days I am going to be getting Fin from Joel and Jacob! @NathenZee @GoldenFlight

Yay! He will love his new home I'm sure.

How are they letting him go? Hes very handsome!
He's been hard on our hens, and not getting along with Nyasa very well.


I have decided that mud is eternal. Mud has no beginning and no end. Embrace the mud.
Awww I know how you feel!
They are adorable!
The Call person has been having some egg problems, they have 3 in a incubater and if they hatch they are mine! The due date is April 3rd.

Me, How are the eggs?

Person, I've got 3 babies due in a couple weeks and then I won't have any for awhile:( hopefully this warm weather we are having will get them laying again!

Me, Okay. Do you have other people wanting Calls?

Person, I have a few people ahead of you but nobody else has checked back in besides you so if you want these three if they hatch I'm happy to sell them to you first

Me, Yes I would like to have them! Thank you!

So that's pretty cool! :)

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