LOL, yes ...

I'm sure he's just being DuckMan!!! (And the sneaking one / biting one are the same duck ... Kupo!)

Yes, she's my daughter. She has about 3 names on the board now I think.

The funny thing is, their "territory" includes the whole backyard (which is huge ... probably 6 times the size of any other backyard I've had) as well as whatever they can see through the fence. Pretty much as far as the eye can see is duckie-land, as far as Kupo is concerned, and he is King-Duck.

(we really need some duck smilies!)

I've been picking him up and petting him the last few days more often. He gets his dignity upset by it, but today he (almost) fell asleep in my hands again, just like when he was a baby.

Of course, he still sneaked up behind me again and planned to nibble afterwards ... maybe he was trying to restore that lost dignity, at least in the eyes of his duck-girls.

Hehe, silly drake!

It's just so cool that the chickens and ducks have such clear personalities, isn't it? Sometimes my male seems a little more like a human teenager than a different species: "Well, fine, go ahead and love on me if you really have to. But I have to tell you that this really doesn't change anything. You got that?"


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