MY Ducks have Gape worm! HELP!

How much ACV do you put in ducklings water?

I just found this and sure wish I would have seen it sooner as we lost one of our 3 new ducklings this morning.
We purchased them from a Atwoods on Saturday and the one became very lethargic on Sunday and would hobble around when he absolutely had to move. We kept dipping his bill in water and coaxing him to eat and he would, but I doubt he did when we weren't right over him. He would appear to get better one minute to declining again a little later. I have been reading and trying to figure out anything I could do to help him, but unfortunately we lost him this morning. Tonight I discovered BYC and this thread. It pains me even more to think I might have been able to do something as simple as add ACV and he would still be with us. My other 2 are doing well, but I was wanting to add the ACV to their water for a bit at least anyways, and we have a plastic water container.

Also, we are knew to all poultry and waterfowl. I have guinea fowl keets as well, should I put ACV in their water?

Thank you so much in advance for your wisdom on this matter.

In His Hands,
I personally don't know how much apple cider vinegar you should add to their water.
But, you can go to page 1 of this thread and see who wrote about the ACV. Click on the PM link beneath their name, ect... (on the left hand side of the page) and write and ask them.

Although I would think probably a half a teaspoon would be plenty. But, that's just a guess. If you get the answer post it on here.
I really don't know anything about ACV. You'd have to contact whomever it was that mentioned it.

Sorry about your baby:( I'm also sorry I just noticed that you had posted on my subject...
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You can eat the eggs:) (I do:) But, I wouldn't sell them for hatching for two weeks after dosing.

But, I'll be sure to check into your link.... :)
I have a duck that I will be dosing with one drop of ivermectin. How often and how long do I do this? Is one dosage enough? I've never wormed my chickens, so I have no idea about this.
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Just wondering if you are doing this as a preventive, or if there are symptoms of worms. I have not needed to give wormer to my ducks, though I have some just in case. Once a year or so I have a fecal test done, and so far nothing has turned up. They are 3.5 years old.

I am simply trying to learn more about when people give their ducks wormers.
She does have worms. They are coming out in her poop and since she stays indoor part time, it's super gross. :) I have chickens and have never given them wormer. Sometimes I'll put diatomaceous earth in their food and that seems to clear them up. But with the duck in the house part time it's just disgusting. :\ (the duck in the house is the husband's idea, ahh! lol)

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