My Easter Egger Roosters


In the Brooder
Feb 5, 2016
Northern California
My black and white Easter Egger Rooster Peep Peep, & My multi-colored Easter Egger Rooster Farkle with his white hen Sandee.


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I got Peep Peep from a breeder he was actually an oopsy, the guy special ordered him from a hatchery and needed more roosters to breed with his hens. Well his nephew mixed up his chicks with the ones he special ordered and the ones from his own flock he was selling. So I ended up falling in love with Peep Peep and brought him home, nicely enough the man seeing how in love with Peep Peep I was allowed me to purchase him. The multi-colored Easter Egger Rooster, Farkle, was also a woops lol. A woman order Buff Orps. She ended up with a Rooster but not only that but a different breed so she just gave me Farkle. Peep Peep though I must say is unique, I have never before seen a black and white easter egger.
I got Peep Peep from a breeder he was actually an oopsy, the guy special ordered him from a hatchery and needed more roosters to breed with his hens. Well his nephew mixed up his chicks with the ones he special ordered and the ones from his own flock he was selling. So I ended up falling in love with Peep Peep and brought him home, nicely enough the man seeing how in love with Peep Peep I was allowed me to purchase him. The multi-colored Easter Egger Rooster, Farkle, was also a woops lol. A woman order Buff Orps. She ended up with a Rooster but not only that but a different breed so she just gave me Farkle. Peep Peep though I must say is unique, I have never before seen a black and white easter egger.
Yes he is so cute with his little white cheeks and cute face
I really love Peep Peep, he was my first chicken/rooster and he even comes to his name. I plan on having some chicks from him, I'm going to order some female Easter Eggers. .I'd like to see what colors he'd pass but I know nothing of his lineages or what to call his color accept I just referr to his coloration as black and white. He's a people Rooster and super friendly. I imprinted on him while he was young, he coos and chatters at me while I'm out in the yard but he never crows in my presence. .only when I go in the house which I find odd.

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