My experience dealing with MG (Mycoplasma gallispectum)


Gone Broody
12 Years
Mar 17, 2008
One evening my Barred Rock hen, who I've had for well over a year, bumped into the back of my legs when I was feeding the rabbits. I looked at her and she looked a little funny. I picked her up and noticed her face was swollen and her eyes were watery and bubbly – I think she bumped into me because she was having a hard time seeing. No sneezing, coughing, discharge or any other sign of illness; her appetite was normal and she laid an egg that day. I immediately put her in quarantine and started searching everything I could find on swollen face and bubbly eyes. Nothing seemed to fit and it was too late in the day to talk to a vet. The next morning she was perfectly fine, the swelling was gone and her eyes were normal and she wanted out of quarantine. I thought she must've tried to eat a bee or something and I went to set her down with her coopmates and I heard a sneeze. I picked her right back up and put her back in quarantine and called my vet who referred me to the state vet, who happens to be located within 10 miles of me.

The state vet came out for free that afternoon and swabbed throats and took blood on my Barred Rock and 5 other birds in the flock. The vet was very nice and seemed happy to help me, but I got the impression he thought I was one of THOSE people, the ones who call for professional help over every little thing. After all, this bird looked perfectly healthy right then and I only heard her sneeze once. He kept telling me he thought it was nothing, but we may as well be sure.

I got the call yesterday afternoon that it was MG (Mycoplasma gallispectum) also known as CRD (Chronic Respiratory Disease). He told me that MG is common in backyard flocks and the state doesn't have a protocol for dealing with it. The source is a trio of bantams I bought last month. I had quarantined them and they showed no sign of illness, but MG survivors are carriers for life and they infected my birds while showing no signs of it themselves. He said it was especially telling that one of my birds that has never been off my property got sick when the newcomers did not.

UPDATE: I did cull my original flock and accepted hatching eggs from some generous BYCers to start over again. Now, I never bring in started birds and I will never show my birds because poultry diseases are spread too easily. MG is common in wild birds, but I've never seen any signs of it in my current flock.
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I have to find some solace in the above post. When I first starting reading this thread I was horrified, like a common human disease, from what I am reading on how the disease spreads we would ALL need to cull our flocks.

Consider that NOT just started and adult birds can bring this in, but also hatching eggs. Show Quality birds due to the constant lack of bio security at shows would be a sure thing to be carriers. One note so many people put down the quality of large hatchery birds need to take a second look. And it is not just the listed disease, flu viruses that started from avian can re mutate and infect your flock and would make your birds carriers.

I would bet that if we all had our flocks tested MOST of us would find it. Not being insulting just basing it on what I have read. My birds are healthy but what I have read has scared the H*** out of me. To be safe you would have to grow and make your own feed, NEVER bring in a bird unless it is from a tested hatchery, never hatch any eggs unless from a tested hatchery, never go to or participate in any bird sale, swap, or show, basically never leave your home or farm. Even the mail man would have to leave the mail in the road and you would have to disinfect it before touching.

Sorry but this thread has my head spinning and not much these days has done that, not even the infamous Swine Bird Flu.
That must be so hard.

I had a scare from bringing in birds. NO more bringing in started birds for me. Thank God mine wasn't serious but it was a warning.
My heart goes out to you as you go through this. I'm so sorry to hear your story.

Stories like yours & others' have confirmed for me that mine will remain a closed flock, with only hatchery chicks allowed into it.
My birds are pets, so I cannot imagine making such a hard choice.

I am trying to understand, not to challenge you: Is there any reason you couldn't just keep the flock as a closed one? Are you going to eat these birds that are culled? Did the vet endorse your decision or present other options?
Just curious...
Make sure the hatchery is certified MG free, most are not.

I cannot ship to some states because they require you to be certified MG free which requires you to test all of your birds every three months for MG. I cannot afford it.
All I can say is Im am so so so sorry! I'm not a certified breeder-but I have BO's and RIR birdies and can send you some for free-you let me know if you want them and look at them on my BYC page-I have not seen any sickness in my birds-no sneezing runny eyes-nothing... I wish you the best

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