My favorite thing about my ChickNCam...

The webcam is taped to the inside of the brooder. It's a USB connection microsoft livecam. I do have an extension cord on the camera - the brooder is here in my sunroom/office.

The outdoor cam is a totally different camera. I just switch the sourcing for the broadcast once the sun goes down as my outdoor cam is not a night-vision cam, and there's not much going on after dark out there anyway.

All the broadcasting is done from my PC. If I wanted to be really picky, I'd dedicate a PC for just broadcasting the it is, I mostly just surf the internet on this PC and read BYC.

This is my camera im trying to figure out how to get the live camera in my bator and connect it to my computer
The freezing could be my PC, the internet, or Camstreams or anything inbetween...

Silky, my webcam I used in the bator is my microsoft one - looks similar to yours. My bator is a 34qt med-sized cooler. I just used duct tape to tape it up in the corner where it had a pretty decent full view of the bator, and ran the cord out through one of the vent holes I have drilled in there.

The bator sat here on my desk. I also had a light suspended over the top of the bator to provide light for the camera through the glass viewing window.

A 'regular' bator like a Little Giant or similar might not work as well, because it doesn't ahve the height that mine had so the perspective might not be so good. Don't know - might be worth a try though.

Does that help??
I think the freezing is on our end not the camera's. It's usually due to the connection you are using, such as dial up or dsl, etc. I watched it in my classroom earlier to see if I could get access on school computers and it was just fine. I have a slower connection here at home and it freezes up every so often.
I'd sure like to set something like that up on our incubators at school when we start our project but I doubt the school would do it.
Well I can use my old laptop and run it through my incubator and hook it up and run it through vent holes and watch it from my new laptop uptairs. I'll try that with my next hatch when FluffNstuffs eggs arrive. I would hate to mess with the bator now on day 3.

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