My female mallard was attacked last week. Doing ok but when will she start laying eggs again?


Sep 17, 2013
Salem, or
My female mallard was attacked by some unknown animal a week and a half ago. She is back to her usual self and all of her cuts have healed. She was laying eggs everyday before the attack. We don't need the eggs so I'm not worried about the supply needs, just more if there is anything we can do to put her back into sync with herself.
I would add that sometimes attacks can introduce bacteria. Her immune system may be able to fight it off, but keep watch - ducks will hide illness. Make sure she is getting good food, I would add poultry vitamins once a week for a couple of months to help boost her.
She is doing loads better. In fact she started laying again. We are still watching her but she seems mostly back to normal.

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