my first cute!!

Christie Rhae

9 Years
Jul 5, 2010
Big Island, Hawaii
I have only ever had hens. I have read about how roosters protect their girls but also I have read a lot about what a pain in the butt roosters can be. So since I only wanted eggs I decided to not have roosters.
Well this summer I have decided to begin breeding my own chickens. I have hatched eggs that I bought and had sent through the mail. Here are my the first two cockerels ever. They are so cute. These three are black ameraucanas. The one on the top right is a pullet and the other two are the cockerels (notice the slow feathering). These guys are 5 1/2 weeks old. I have them in a pen with another two other pullets. A 6 week old marans and a 8 week old wheaten ameraucana.
So the cute part... last night the moon was out and the sky was clear, I was outside admiring the sky and thought I would walk over to my chick pen and see what my babies were up to. I still have a heat lamp in their pen at night since these poor two guys are still trying to grow in their Anyway, I think that because of the light they could not see me, only hear something. These two little scrawny guys were on full alert with the three girls cuddled up behind them. They stood in front of the girls with their necks craned and ears listening trying to figure out what I was. It is amazing that even at this young age they behave so differently than the girls. It was very touching. As I said all I have ever had before is hens and they are all just brats to each other... greedy brats. lol

Spike, Rudy and Maxine...
I have a feeling this is what will happen with us. I would love to get a roo right away, but the DH says "no!" I am positive i can convince him after several months. Fingers crossed for me please!!
It will! It took me three years to convince my husband we needed chickens, but only three months to convince him we need a rooster!

At first I totally promised we would never need to have a rooster...
It will! It took me three years to convince my husband we needed chickens, but only three months to convince him we need a rooster!

At first I totally promised we would never need to have a rooster...

Need a "Like" button!
I live with my parents, and they were a bit iffy about the idea when I suggested a rooster. So after work I went and bought one despite the rocky answer.. as soon as they saw him they loved him!

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