My first egg, and it's HUGE!


13 Years
May 10, 2010
So it wasn't my hen's first egg, but it was my first egg that i collected. I'm so excited!

I have a bunch of chickens that I don't expect to start laying for another month. However, I bought a year old hen on Saturday. I've been checking obsessively since Saturday evening for her to lay an egg.

I was starting to worry and actually even posted a thread obsessing in the emergencies section. Then, a couple hours later, I went out to check again, and figuring I'd feel Lucy's abdomen and see if she was egg bound or not. Before I could get to molesting the chicken, I saw that she'd laid an egg for me!

Here's a picture of it, next to a "large" white egg from the grocery store:

It's massive, isn't it? It weighs 2.5 ounces.

Now, I'm kind of tempted to try and hatch it because I think there's a pretty good chance it's fertile.
Very pretty egg and big! I would be afraid to incubate it as it probably is a double yolk. Maybe wait for the next ones as she should remain fertile for a couple of weeks yet. Leave it out of the fridg until you can compare it to her other eggs and you'll see if that size is the norm.

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