My First Egg Is "Hard Boiled"!?!?


I like this idea, but I would get his wife in on it and get some of HIS chicken's eggs and let them sit out a few months myself. That way, they would really LOOK like his eggs, and you have the benefit of leaving him months to worry about what you are going to do. When you are ready to put them in, it will have been long enough that he won't be expecting it. And I would get enough to do it for a few days running--maybe even completely replace the eggs his chickens lay for that day.

Evil, EVIL friend you have there.
I see what you are saying about it not being the chickens fault but I don't think any of these ideas would put his chickens into jeopardy? I think it is more funny for it to be chicken related revenge since what he did was mess with her chickens/eggs.
Where do I find the recipe?!?

I dunno, I've never made them. (but I've heard about them) I think you just make regular brownies and add the laxative to them.
Where do I find the recipe?!?

Good grief. He, probably your DH too, played a harmless prank on you. And you are considering jeopardizing his health?
If he has to miss work or see a Dr. are you willing to pay for it?

This calls for clever and devious payback, not all out war. I'd suggest messing with his chicken eggs, but waiting a while. Because he now knows that you know and it will drive him crazy waiting for it.

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