My first ever Araucana baby


11 Years
Nov 25, 2008
Here are pics of my first ever chick thats hatched and its an araucana to boot. I am soo excited. I set 17 eggs in an incubator and 6 are in various stages of hatch. This chick was under a broody hen but I think it was soo vigerous trying to hatch she kicked it out. The egg was rocking and rolling when I saw it. I put it in the incubator and it hatched in about 5 minutes.


Congratulations!! Man I would be afraid to hatch out Araucanas. . . I'm hoping I get enough broodies to do the job for me.
They're just so precious and sometimes delicate. . .
I know, thats why it was under a broody to start with. Once she kicked it out I took it. I didn't put them under the broody untill the were 8 days to make sure they were all good. I have 12 more under two other hens and 1 more under the same hen. And because I am totally crazy I set 42 in my incubator yesterday.

The other eggs in the incubator are EE's and polish cross's

That araucana is much more vigerous than the other chicks hatching in the incubator and they were all set on the same day. Something to be said for broody hens.

Went out and looked under my broody and my other araucana had hatched yippee!!!! So I took the one out of the bater now that it was dry and fluffy and put it next to her. She took right to it, so now she has two for sures snuggled together under her.

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