My first geese


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 1, 2012
I'm a duck lover that finally caved and got a couple of goslings. Originally I intended to get a pair of Canadas, but no one ever seemed to have them in stock, so I found a local farm that bred and incubator raised Sebastopols. My two are about three weeks apart in age and imprinted on humans. The bigger one is a real love bug, and wants to be in your lap all the time. The smaller one follows his(I think its a gander) lead.

They have HUGE feet compared to ducklings! It seems theyre always tripping over them too. I'm keeping them inside in a pen for now, with long walks outside in the grass until I think theyre big enough to handle the ducks being nosey.
Glad to here it! My girlfriend and I got our first geese last year and we're getting more (plus ducks this time) in a few weeks. They are a very rewarding pet when they're young.

I'm wondering the age difference between yours. If they're the same age, the big one is surely the gander.

I hope your property is safe from predators. If not, it wouldn't be crazy to keep them in a pen at night for good. Our friend has a flock of ten White Chinese Geese, from ages 1-4, that are very well training to go in a pen at night. (Might be harder if you have a pond)
Oh, wow! How exciting! They are sooooo cute! I have buff geese and would love to get some sebastapols one day. They look healthy. Also, the ducks I your a avatar are pretty, are they Cayugas?
When I got my first goslings I raised them with some ducklings who were always mucking things up and getting the goslings dirty. I gave them a few warm baths with a fluffy towel dry before I separated them!
Thanks for sharing your pics!
I'm wondering the age difference between yours. If they're the same age, the big one is surely the gander.

Theyre about three weeks apart in age. Roughly. But theyve been raised with each other so the big one doesnt bully the little one, in fact, he seems to hover over the little one protectively.
Theyre about three weeks apart in age. Roughly. But theyve been raised with each other so the big one doesnt bully the little one, in fact, he seems to hover over the little one protectively.
And that's a fact. Geese are different than other fowl because they are so social. When a goose hatches some eggs, all the other geese pitch in rearing the young, watching over them and protecting them. They even clean up the empty egg shells and help with the housekeeping while mama finishes the hatch. They will take all the goslings to the pond as a group. You should see that trick, Day olds will take a couple steps and flop down. A 30 yard parade to the pond will take close to an hour and start ya wondering if the tykes will be able to make it. The older ones are completely patient and stay close. The only rub I've ever seen with geese is ganders fighting during breeding season and that's not all that bad. Never any blood, just a few feathers and a lot of noise. You're gonna love'm. Big difference from ducks.........Pop

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