My first hawk attack today and dealing with the guilt....

I bought one from Amazon right after you posted about it, same model, it arrived yesterday. I LOVE IT! Thanks for mentioning it in your post. I set it up in the garage just to get it working last night, but today I am mounting it in the coop. I am having trouble getting it on my Android phone though. Can you view the cam from your phone?

Love the idea of this camera, but does it have to be plugged in while used? No electricity in my coop.
I bought one from Amazon right after you posted about it, same model, it arrived yesterday. I LOVE IT! Thanks for mentioning it in your post. I set it up in the garage just to get it working last night, but today I am mounting it in the coop. I am having trouble getting it on my Android phone though. Can you view the cam from your phone?

I am amazed she is still laying!!! Great job on caring for her!

I haven't tried to view it on my phone yet. I keep it on all day on my laptop and keep the sound on also so I can hear any problems. I also know when and who is laying and this time of year when its 25 degrees in the mornings, I can get right out there and scoop up the egg when I see them jump out of the nest box. I hear the normal laying sound of the hen and check the laptop. Also I yell through the mike at the bad hens when picking on each other and they immediately stop and look for me! Have fun with it and don't do what I do...get nothing done all day because I'm watching chick TV!
This is such a timely post. My girls have been happily free ranging for about two months with no issues until a couple of days ago. I do think the leaf-less trees is an issue with hawks...

Anyhow, my husband pulls into the drive and yells for me to come out. I come out, and he tells me that he saw a hawk flying out of the yard and all the chickens making a ruckus and taking cover in the woods. I saw a big fluff of downy feathers on the ground, and my girls were in deep deep brush, hiding. And that hawk? Hanging out. Stalking. Moving from limb to limb, tree to tree, completely unafraid of my attempts to shoo it. It just was waiting. :( This went on for a good long while, more time than I have on my hands. :( The next day, I heard the crows chasing a hawk off in the morning, and around 3 PM, I had not one but three circling really low where the girls normally are. So, needless to say, my "I only have a coop and free range during the day plan" is OVER. :/ I hate it for them, but, I don't want to just feed these hawks. :( I am currently building one of those 10x4x6 doggie pens and will spend the next two days covering it with wire. :/

As for the girls...they are ok. :) Thank goodness! I cannot tell how was de-feathered. They all look great. ????? I feel fortunate that my husband came home at that time!

Anyhow, you cannot feel bad, anyone. There is such a balance between giving them a happy life of free ranging freedom, and protecting that life. I plan to free range, but not as freely as before. I think this is a realization many many chicken owners eventually learn. :( <3
I haven't tried to view it on my phone yet. I keep it on all day on my laptop and keep the sound on also so I can hear any problems. I also know when and who is laying and this time of year when its 25 degrees in the mornings, I can get right out there and scoop up the egg when I see them jump out of the nest box. I hear the normal laying sound of the hen and check the laptop. Also I yell through the mike at the bad hens when picking on each other and they immediately stop and look for me! Have fun with it and don't do what I do...get nothing done all day because I'm watching chick TV!
OMGOSH......You know darn well I won't get anything done either!!! I could watch chicken TV all day! I can't wait to get it installed out there! As soon as I do, I'll post a picture...if I can figure out how...

One of the main reasons I want one is because I need to see who is laying eggs, and who is free loading. I have 41 chickens and am gettting 16 eggs a day. I also suspect I have a hen who is in henapause hanging out in the coop eating eggs.

I'm glad your wifi is working at 200 feet, that is about the same distance as I have! to mount the camera, it's actually sunny out. There isn't going to be very many days like that for roughly 6 months...

Do you have an automatic chicken door too? Since I see we both like techi chicken stuff, I thought I would tell you about my Ador1 auto chicken door, best thing since sliced bread!!!!! to install the camera, which is working great on my laptop, I'll figure out the phone in time though....
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This is such a timely post. My girls have been happily free ranging for about two months with no issues until a couple of days ago. I do think the leaf-less trees is an issue with hawks...

Anyhow, my husband pulls into the drive and yells for me to come out. I come out, and he tells me that he saw a hawk flying out of the yard and all the chickens making a ruckus and taking cover in the woods. I saw a big fluff of downy feathers on the ground, and my girls were in deep deep brush, hiding. And that hawk? Hanging out. Stalking. Moving from limb to limb, tree to tree, completely unafraid of my attempts to shoo it. It just was waiting. :( This went on for a good long while, more time than I have on my hands. :( The next day, I heard the crows chasing a hawk off in the morning, and around 3 PM, I had not one but three circling really low where the girls normally are. So, needless to say, my "I only have a coop and free range during the day plan" is OVER. :/ I hate it for them, but, I don't want to just feed these hawks. :( I am currently building one of those 10x4x6 doggie pens and will spend the next two days covering it with wire. :/

As for the girls...they are ok. :) Thank goodness! I cannot tell how was de-feathered. They all look great. ????? I feel fortunate that my husband came home at that time!

Anyhow, you cannot feel bad, anyone. There is such a balance between giving them a happy life of free ranging freedom, and protecting that life. I plan to free range, but not as freely as before. I think this is a realization many many chicken owners eventually learn. :( <3

Good to hear the girls are ok! Mine have been back in the chicken tractor and hate it. At least they get to eat some grass for a bit and the snow is coming soon. We had an inch yesterday, but it melted this morning with the sun out. Good luck to you!
OMGOSH......You know darn well I won't get anything done either!!! I could watch chicken TV all day! I can't wait to get it installed out there! As soon as I do, I'll post a picture...if I can figure out how...

One of the main reasons I want one is because I need to see who is laying eggs, and who is free loading. I have 41 chickens and am gettting 16 eggs a day. I also suspect I have a hen who is in henapause hanging out in the coop eating eggs.

I'm glad your wifi is working at 200 feet, that is about the same distance as I have! to mount the camera, it's actually sunny out. There isn't going to be very many days like that for roughly 6 months...

Do you have an automatic chicken door too? Since I see we both like techi chicken stuff, I thought I would tell you about my Ador1 auto chicken door, best thing since sliced bread!!!!! to install the camera, which is working great on my laptop, I'll figure out the phone in time though....
I don't have an auto door yet...but its on the list! Hope your camera works as well as mine does, I love it! Let me know how it goes!
Woot Woot!!!! Loving the camera!!!!!!!!!!!

I can already see which naughty girls are sleeping on the bridge instead of the roosts! The roosts are more comfy because they are covered in old bicycle intertube, and below them are poop boards to catch the stinkies. The bridge has neither, silly girls!

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