My First Loss, my girls felt it too


13 Years
Mar 24, 2007
Today was my first loss of my Buff Orphington, Tweety Bird.
I have no idea why or how. I went out this morning and she was laying there dead. It was so sad to see her laying there.

I took her out of the coop area and went back to check on the rest of the girls. The top three hens were right where I had removed her. They were quiet and somber looking. It really moved me. Later the rest of the flock went over to the same area also. She will be missed.

I'm so sorry!!!
I dread the day that I go out and see a dead chicken...again. My only chicken deaths were a baby chick, DOA and my 5 week old roo, killed by a snake. I feel your pain. I'm so sorry!!! It really hurts when a pet dies and yes other pets feel the pain too. She will be missed. :aww
Very Sorry!

You and Tweety Bird have my prayers!

Such a sweet looking bird...........
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I'm so sorry to hear about your Tweety Bird. I dread the day! Lost one as a baby but not since. Again, so sorry about your loss.

So sorry for your loss of such a gorgeous creature. Man, I lay on the bed and sobbed after my first loss.

My sweet DH (the man is a mensch X 10) reminded me so gently that this is what we buy into when when raising pets. Then he poured some eggnog heavily laced w/ bourbon so I could stop crying.

Hugs to you.

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