My First Loss, my girls felt it too

So sorry, sniff, sniff, sniff
I'm so very sorry. What a beautiful bird she was. When I have lost birds in my small flock, the others have always been sad about it. They know they have lost a buddy.
my first run at raising chickens was a bloodbath. My grandfather gave me like 20 birds because he lives in the city and his patio was overcrowded. Turns out my grandfather raised the for fighting, and as soon as the first feathers emerged even the hens were merciless with eachother. I didnt know how to care for chickens and was working 13 to 16 hour days at the family restuarant, it was a bloodbath, and then the pox came. burying birds became part of my routine. Now I've got time, and knowledge and birds that coexsist peacefully instead of killing eachother even through the chickenwire.

It was a horrid experience. This time its going much better.
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