My first new babies have arrived!!


Congratulations on your new chick flock! Thanks for sharing your photos, they are cute.

It's nice you joined us, have fun!
So sad I lost one last night. I think it was a silver Wyandotte. Cheeped real loud several times fell over backwards and died. All the others seem to be doing really well. Eating drinking and running around playing. They even slept quietly through the night. They were turning their heads looking at us this morning and came running towards me when I called them. They are so much fun already.
Started building the coop yesterday. Shane propped a 10 ft. 4*4 up against the side wall and it fell and hit me while I was digging the post holes! Hit my diggers and across both my hands.OUCH!!! Thought it broke them but just bruised. Took one look at the babies again and said it was worth it more propping things up!!!
Sorry you lost one last night. Unfortunately, that happens sometimes.

Good luck with your coop build, hope you make it through without too many bumps and bruises!
Whoo hoo! The second order of chicks are here this morning. 75 cheepers. 27 Auracanas/Americanas, 27 Buff Orpingtons and 25 free chicks are all Black Sex Link Cockerels. Lost 2 during shipping and they were really cold. They livened up after they were put under the lamp and started to eat and drink. Have a few iffies they seemed weak but they are trying. 21 of the first shipment survived out of 27 and are doing great. All of them are in the back room. Boy was it loud when we left

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