My first time ever incubating Quail eggs.

Awww oh gosh, he's so beautiful! :D I love his colouring. Don't worry about the video, the pic's will keep me going for now haha by the way we just moved into our new house yesterday and it's in terrible condition, we just got wifi. My room is full of damp and there's a hole in the floor.
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Hi, i saw your tag on that fre range chicken egg post, how exciting for her!!! :D i hope she gets something nice from them!

I've been soooooo busy here, but after getting that tag, i thought i should pop on quick before i have to shoot off again lol.

Here's a little peek at M.A, he's leaving me this weekend to go into my parents aviary :( I'm going to miss him so much lol. He's grown so fast!! And he's beautiful :p

My parents quails turned out to be a male and two females lol! And they've been laying eggs :) So i have 10 eggs in the incubator for them, and all are fertile and due to hatch on the 7th July and 12th July.

At least this time i'll know i've got free range, healthy viable eggs. So hoping for a better hatch rate than the ones from Ireland.

(excuse the cage, this was taken before his last cleanout). He's GAWJUS!!! haha!

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Aha my plan worked >:] Just kidding, I wasn't expecting you to actually see that :lol:
M.A has really grown up, it's amazing. Look at him huddled in the middle of the cage lol Hope he likes it in the aviary. If you get the time, keep us updated on your new eggs :D

It came through on my phone, but doesn't show on the PC version of the site? Weird lol

He has grown up so fast. He was out today flying around the room, stretching his wings and having fun lol. Making the most of the time left haha! But i can't wait to see him all settled with the other female in the aviary in the fresh air, free to roam and fly and do whatever. Will be so much better for him. I can't wait really.

I'll keep you updated on M.A and the 10 eggs. Omg, 10 of the little screamers! lol, what have i let myself in for?! Oh well, it's all fun, and they are going to a great home.

Hows things your end by the way? Was the house in as bad a shape as you first thought? Are you getting started on the aviary yet?

I need to set some time aside to get on here a bit more. I miss reading all the updates and seeing how things are going for everyone. I'll pop off now to get some stuff done, but i'll be back at the weekend, so keep me updated ;)
Flying around the house? Has he left you any little surprises anywhere? Down the back of the sofa perhaps? :lol: Yeah, I'm sure he'll love being outside with the other little quail. Ten more little poopers :D you're so lucky.

The house is in bad condition, we've only been able to move in some of our furniture. One of the walls in my room will need to be completely pulled down. All the windows need replacing, there's two built in cupboards upstairs that are going to be removed, one downstairs. Whole kitchen needs replacing. Lol basically everything. We haven't started on any kind of coop or anything yet. We're still rescuing some ex bats, hopefully in August but it may be a little later now.

I'll cya later then :)
Haha, no he didn't leave me any surprises, thankfully :)

He's now in the aviary with another female, who loves him haha! They are so cute together, and she's teaching him how to be a quail, as all he's known since birth is me.

I've got one quail egg due to hatch today, the rest are due to hatch next week, Tuesday (ish). I can already hear this one tapping, so shouldn't be much longer before he pips :)

Awww, no, the house sounds in a bad way then? Lots of work for you! I guess putting up an aviary is the last thing you need to get done now lol.

Hope it all goes well for you x
Yeah, hopefully we'll get there one day.
Glad he's got some company now, I'm sure he's much happier living with other quail :D
Good luck with the eggs!
Awww, well once it's done it's done, and you can enjoy it :)

And thanks! Got one hatching today, he's tapping away in there and chirped back at me when i whistled lol!

I spent my day creating another thread to help newbies like myself. Just finished it and posted it on here. Thought i might as well do something useful while i sit and wait for this little guy to hatch haha!
Oh that's great :D can't wait to see the little guy. What kind of quail are they? I think you said Chinese painted but I can't remember. Or did I just make that breed up? :lol:
haha, no you didn't make that up :p yes, he's a button quail, can't wait to see him or her. The other eggs are due to hatch on Tuesday/Wednesday. My parents quails started laying, so we thought we would see if the eggs were any good. All have live and kicking chicks in them so far haha. Luckily we have an extra home for them, we weren't expecting them all to be viable lol

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