My first time ever incubating Quail eggs.

I get this uncontrollable urge to squeak when I see chicks. Okay I will try not to, but still, they're all so different and beautiful - that goes for all animals really. I'm totally in awe of nature.
Sounds like you're having better luck with these eggs than your last batch.
:D Make sure you post pics.
Haha, so do i! Actually it's more like a squeeky scream lmao!

But yeah i'll post pictures as soon as he hatches, might get lucky and actually get pics of him actually hatching. But i need to make sure i don't stay up all night waiting for him like i did the last lot haha. I need some sleep at some point......i'll give him til midnight lol :p
Yup, that's it lol I do the same thing around hamsters. Especially robo's :D

Surely he will have hatched before midnight. If not then you'll probably wake up and he'll be there, all fluffy. Or maybe wet, I don't know how long it takes them to dry off :p
It would be amazing if you could get pictures of him hatching.
Hahahaha! yeah, any cute animals and i'm the same. Mind you, they are all cute lol.

I hope he does hatch before midnight. He's not pipped yet, i can just hear the tapping, so hes working on it :p

But if not, like you said, i'll wake up to a fluffy chick in the morning. They seem to take about 3hrs to dry out. Some a bit sooner and some a bit later, just depends on the chick i guess.

But being in the incubator all nice and warm overnight won't hurt it. I'll be up at 5am anyway as i need to ship some orders.

But yeah, i'm hoping to get some pics of him hatching this time, that would be really nice :)
Yes, all animals, even those ones who look like they have butts for faces :D

I'm up at 5am too lol, no rest for the wicked.
yeah i find i like the ones that everyone else thinks are ugly lol

Well, no chick yet, but he's still tapping away in there, so that's a good sign. I'll worry when there's no tapping :p
He sure is taking his time. Maybe he heard you whistling to him and decided he didn't want to hatch after all lol.

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