My first time ever incubating Quail eggs.

Yeah, i'm not sure if it's Quails, or Quail, like you said. I did wonder that when i first started researching them.

Curly is beautiful :) I'll have to get a picture of her later too haha! But today she let me in the cage and fed from my hand without trying to kill me :p So we are becoming friends fast. She comes up to the front of the cage when i go past as well and seems to just love being chatted to? I didn't notice when i bought her that her wings had been clipped! I know people say it's for safety and it doesn't hurt etc etc, but i just don't like that at all. So because she is only 4-5 months old, her new wings after molting will grow back the flight feathers and no way am i clipping them.

I did have a Cockatiel when i was younger, but never had one since, so it's almost like starting from scratch again. I'm going shopping for a large corner standing cage for her in the next week or so. She will be able to fly around in those types, and have lots to keep herself busy with. They also have a perch and feeding bowls at the top on the outside, so when she gets fully tame i hope she will use that too :)

Yeah, our pets at home used to have birds too, but they stopped selling them a few years back. Something to do with not being able to have large enough cages and space to keep the birds humanely, so it's good they stopped doing that really.

awwww, your so lucky living near the coast! I bet it's lovely in this type of weather. Especially with the sea air, and ocean jealous lol. I'm about a 25-30 min drive from the beach here. But i'm a bit scared of the sea anyway, so i guess living right near the sea wouldn't be ideal, but it does sound like a lovely location to live if that makes sense.

The heatwave is killing us here, it got to 35C yesterday! And it's 30C as i'm typing this! I didn't sleep at all last night, it was hot and muggy and i hated it lol.

Omg, water running down the walls?! Wow! You really are starting from scratch then huh? Blimey! Has it been fixed now, or are you still flooding? Good that you can laugh about it though lol. Probably the best thing really. I often laugh at myself when things go wrong, it helps in a way to have a laugh at it all :)

Well, if your still having problems there, here's some cuteness to put a smile on your face :)

The little chicks at "nap time" haha! There's 8 chicks in there, a couple are at the back under the sock hiding ;)

Yeah, I would love to see pics :) I've always kind of wanted a parrot or cockatiel but I felt kinda bad for them having their wings clipped and living in a little cage. But I'm sure Curley will be happy living with you, and I'm sure she'll get lots of love and attention; which is the most important thing I think.
btw, Are those big cages expensive? Where did you get Curley from?

Yeah, living by the coast is nice, most of the time anyway. I can hear the sea right now as I'm typing this, which is really soothing. I'm sure once the house is in a better state we'll all be able to enjoy it more :)
The wall hasn't been fixed yet, it will need to be torn down completely and rebuilt. There is an old chimney behind it which is full of soot and 'tar', which has stained the wall brown and yellow. I call it my feature wall lol The only thing I can really do is laugh, no point crying over it :p

That certainly did put a smile on my face :) I bet you can't get rid of yours, getting to look at those little guys whenever you want!
Yeah, i like having a larger bird as a pet, but i want to make sure she has the giant cage with room to fly and come out whenever she wants to. I don't like seeing large birds in a tiny cage and never getting time outside the cage to fly and interact.

She was bought into the garden centre i was at with my parents. Apparently she was raised by hand, but i guess the owner for what ever reason had to give her up. And when i saw her in that little cage, i just had to take her home. So luckily she was only there a short time :) But had i known her wings were clipped i would have said something to them, as i really don't agree with clipping their wings unless it's like a rescue and treatment case where it's done to protect the bird from danger or to help get it back to full health.

But, like i said, she's only a few months old, so when she gets her first molt, i'll let her wings grow back to how they should be, so when she's fully tame, i can let her out in here to have a fly and stretch her wings.

And yes, the large cages are expensive, usually around a few hundred, so i'll have a good look and see whats best for her, but i want her to have a home where she can fly, play and generally be happy, so worth every penny in my opinion.

She watching the TV at the moment lol.

Wow, so you really have a lot of work ahead of you with the house! I think that's quite cool, having a wall with the old chimney behind it. I love the older houses. I always wonder about who lived there before, what life was like back then, who was standing right where i was standing at that time etc. Gives it character :) But i hope it doesn't take you too long to get it sorted. I'm sure it will be lovely once your all done :)

And yes, i walk past these little ones all the time and i just have to stop and have a look and smile at them. They are so funny to watch :)

Yup, 35C it was, and it was horrible lol. But today is much cooler, and i can handle this weather today :)
That's nice, I'm sure she'll be really happy with you. Perhaps it was for the best that her previous owner could no longer care for her. Along with hamsters and such I have also always wanted a tropical fish tank, but then I looked at the cost of a tank, heater, filter etc.. And I quickly changed my mind lol. Would still be nice to have a fighting fish, or maybe a cold water tank. But yeah, pet supplies are crazy expensive!

I don't think having their wings clipped hurts them, I'm sure she'll be flying around in no time :)

It's a very old house, I don't know the precise age but I believe it is over two hundred years old, perhaps even older. It certainly has its issues, we switched the light on downstairs and all the downstairs lights burst. lol, I know who lived here before because it was in my family.

35C is ridiculous, I can't get over that lol. I went to France when I was little and there was a heat wave, with temperatures reaching 42C and I still remember how hot it was, it was torturous.

By the way, how is MA doing?
Yeah, tropical fish tanks are expensive. I actually used to have one. And i had a marine tank too. It was set up in the corner of the living room and looked stunning. But the high maintenance corals and such were just too much for me, so i closed the tank down after a couple of years. Shame really, as the colours of those fish and corals are just amazing!
I had a box fish who loved being stroked lol. I would put my hand in the tank and she would swim over and start rubbing herself over my hands and i used my finger to rub her belly and she loved it. Sadly she passed away of old age :(
But yes, very expensive running tropical, or marine tank.

Oh wow, a very old house then, over 200 years old! It does sound like it has a few issues haha, but i'm sure you'll have it sorted in no time :) Even better that it's been in the family.

35C, yup, it was horrid. My head hurt that night even though i spent most of the day inside. I hated it actually, far too hot and humid. I've been stocking up on ice cream haha. It doesn't look like this heatwave is clearing up yet :(

M.A is still doing great! He is actually teaching the other quail to take food from my hand haha. My dad went into the aviary the other day and he said that M.A came running over to see what he was doing, gave him a few pecks, and took come food from him, so it looks like he will always be a friendly and tame quail :) I'm really happy about that. Makes raising him from a baby and all those sleepless nights where he screamed if i put him back in his cage, worth it lol

He's still becoming more and more blue and red with his new feathers. Totally different from when he looked like a cinnamon quail! Amazing transformation :) And most importantly, he's learned how to be a quail.
Oh nice, a marine tank :) Beautiful. I can understand that being a lot of work. That's strange behaviour for a fish lol, sorry for your loss.

It seems to have cooled down a lot here now.
Try putting water in a spray bottle and spraying yourself with it, or putting your feet in icy water.

So good to hear M.A is doing well :) He sounds so friendly, it was definitely worth the sleepless nights lol I'm sure he's beautiful, and will only get more beautiful as he ages. You'll have to post an update picture, those blue and red feathers sound intriguing ;)
Well, bad news about M.A :( He escaped the aviary and hasn't been seen since :(

My parents have had enough of the little aviary and how easy it is for birds to escape every time we go in and clean it, so they've decided to start building a large aviary at the far end of the garden. This time with a double door, airlock type.

I can't believe M.A is gone! My little baby lol!

We are grabbing all the supplies, and will start work on it in a few weeks when we are all available to help build it all.

My little M.A is gone :(

He was beautiful
Thanks. I doubt he will be back, most likely living in the huge woodland my parents have there. I hope he's safe and doing well though. Still miss him :(

And yeah, almost got everything we need to get the large aviary started. So we should be building it in a couple of weeks.

I'm looking after a rather unusual quail right now. She stopped growing at the age of 1 and a half weeks? She's almost 3 weeks old, but hasn't grown since a week and a half?

She finds it hard to keep up with the others and needs to rest more often. They are giants compared to her lol. So i've taken her on here at home to see what i can do for her. Lots of protein seems to be the best bet for growth, so will see how she goes. Otherwise she is healthy, eating her food, drinking, running around and pooping all as normal. She does breathe heavier than a quail normally would, but maybe thats why she needs more rest. Maybe her lungs haven't developed properly?

Odd little thing, no fear of people, loves to sleep in your hand too. If she stays this size for life i may have to keep her. As she would most likely get picked on with the adult quails in the aviary.

Hows things at your end going? Is the house getting sorted?

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