My "Free" Eggs are costing me a FORTUNE! - ITS DONE!! pg 15 pics

I feel your pain. I was lucky enough to have the help of someone who throws nothing away and built me a very nice coop for under $50 complete with a bay window. Reed Zitting rocks.

x2 (minus the silver)

Those back yard chickens are a reliable food supply, and it doesn't have to be that expensive to feed them. If you only have few chickens, you can keep them quite cheap. They will eat just about any kitchen leftover you have, build a cheap tractor coop and make the grass their primary food in the summer, use egg shells to replace the oyster shells...etc.

We are with you on this one. We don't trust the government and we actually built a privacy fence because we don't want anyone to be able to see our homegrown food. We may sound crazy, but we like to call it prepared.
My husband has designed a playhouse for my daughter that has an end sectioned off with a window that the kids can look through to see into the coop part of it. Then the coop will open into the run so you have to go into it to get into the coop. That way anyone who looks into our yard sees a big playhouse. Neighbors will know we have chickens, but they shouldn't be able to see them at all. That is how we want it. We are getting our materials free or cheap on craigslist, from the re-store or from the Boise Main Auction. Even if we wanted to spend tons of money, we simply cannot afford it.
All you need in NJ is a minimum of 5 acres and sell only $500 in one year and you can get a farm credit, giving you a huge property tax reduction!! We are only 3.5 acres short!!
Hi all.
got a question. I have my girls now 7 weeks old (10 girls I think.. one is looking kind of roosterie) and I have them in a dog run 4x10x 8, and then I have them in a large dog carrier at night so I can lock them in. I have many perches positioned around the kennel that they use frequency throughout the day and then at night they put themselves in the box and wait for me to close them in.. here's the question. the box is large enough for them to continue to grow and become full grown hens. but I dont have roost in the box( carrier) do they have to have roost at night? or are they ok sleeping together in their shavings?
I am disabled and physically cant make a coop for them I have plenty of used materials to make one out of I just cant do it and cant find anyone to help me out.. all the talk about he $500. coops here and even on Craigslist and places there is not a single coop in my price range.
some advice would really be appreciated.
blessed be )O(
Hi Pink,

They would be more comfortable with a roost. When they're big, each bird needs 1.5-2' of roosting space. You can put branches, dowels, or boards (2x2 or 2x4) in there spanning the cage and suspended from the holes. Just try to make it so that they don't spin around; you can use zip ties to stabilize them. If you use a board, it will be easier on the birds' feet if you trim the edges so that they're rounded off. I've also used old ladders simply leaning against the wall. Right now my tom turkey, who usually sleeps in a tree, is sleeping in a cage on a dowel set up this way because he insists on being near his nesting hens and the nearest spot is the deck rail. Pure predator fodder!
I couldn't find a branch that fit, but I like branches best because they're rough so the birds can get a good grip, plus the diameter varies so each bird can find a comfy spot.

So you see it can be easy and cheap to give them what they need. Good luck!
I can relate to so much of the above, but because we love our chickies, we've invested much more than I ever thought I would. I thought it was going to be in the $500 range, but when labor and other costs were factored in, the price tag came to $2000 the first year. Then I wanted to improve on that the second year and sunk in another $1000. Now I'm going to put in another $1000 this year because I love them, want them to have as much run as possible, but also keep them safe from predators like fox who do come out during the day. Thank God for income tax refunds and a husband who has grown fond of them in the last couple years.
Allow me to make you feel just a tad bit better, that you aren't in MY checkbook ... err ... shoes.

I'm the animal procurer around here - I came home with 2 horses one day five years ago and now we have eight. I adopt dogs from rescues, shelters and people who just can't take care of their dog - one time coming home with an American Foxhound from the local shelter telling my kids "Don't tell Daddy!" We have now hit critical mass: 10.

Luckily we have a large ranch style house and several acres or else I fear we'd end up on Animal Hoarders.

Now I have finally indulged my "But I've always wanted a barn chicken!" with coming home with nine chicks from the feed store. And viola! Hubby had a big job to do - figure out how to build a coop and run from scratch. Luckily, he's the Best Eye Doctor in the World by day, and Handy Dandy Super Builder Man by night (and the occasional day off).

We figured we'd make a spacious mansion for our new flock -who presently live in a big box, and a galvanized tub in the garage at night, and out in the run by day. They have outgrown the box and the tub but we have no other option.

What we figured would be about a $1,000 project has now turned into ... let me count ... as of last night, $2, 241 project. And I wanted "free" eggs, too! Sort of like being given that "free" horse. Nothing's free!

So, at $3.00/dozen eggs bought at the grocery store, we figured up last night that this coop and run equals buying 738 dozen eggs! That's 8,856 eggs!

If the four of us ate a dozen eggs a week (I make a wicked Eggs Benedict and my hubby likes french toast) what we have spent on building this coop/run is equivalent to slightly over 14 years of buying eggs before we start to see the first dime in being ahead.

Feel better yet?
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We are about to undertake the task of building a plan is to have a run and shelter of some kind in the interim....while we build the coop....we are going to use as much recycled material as possible and see how it goes. It is going to be interesting as my husband is NOT on board with the whole thing and I don't anticipate him helping my kids and I. I will keep you all posted!!! AND I am going to keep a running record of our expenses! LOL

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