My Geese Hate Snow, and I'm feeling really sorry for them!

My geese are lesbians, it's confirmed. It's ok though, I'm cool with it. ;) I don't think Lucy is getting as much out of it as Moose though. I think Moose is the "man" in the relationship.
It was, and still is. We miss him very much!
I imagine, awhile back I told my dh I should try to find homes for 2 of my drakes, well right after I said this a woman my dh knows from where he use to work calls him on his cell, says her drake got his head bit off and wondered if we had a drake for sale, I mean drakes are a dime a doz to some folks I guess, There's no way I would ever consider letting one of my drakes go to her after finding out they stayed outside and were never put up at night. Even with all the craizyiness that goes on here having 3 hormone driven drakes I couldn't do it.
That makes no sense!!! Why on earth would you even consider getting another duck if you have no intention to protect them. What is the purpose she wants a drake? To cull at some point for herself?
That makes no sense!!! Why on earth would you even consider getting another duck if you have no intention to protect them. What is the purpose she wants a drake? To cull at some point for herself?
She wanted a drake because her lone female was calling for her mate. She also told me that she had to give up the remaining chickens she had because raccoons got into her pen and killed most of them, not a place you want to send an animal I would feel like I was sending him to his death. I saw her pen once chicken wire and very flimsy.
That's so sad! Well, eventually she will have no ducks or chickens. Does she feel any remorse for their deaths, or does she have a "Oh, I guess I'll just have to get some more " attitude?
That's so sad! Well, eventually she will have no ducks or chickens. Does she feel any remorse for their deaths, or does she have a "Oh, I guess I'll just have to get some more " attitude?
I think she was sad he got killed but still had the attitude I'll get another drake right away. Reason for calling us. I think some people just don't know the best way to protect their animals, she said she wanted them to be free well that nice I let mine free range but not at night when preds are really on the move. We talked about hard ware cloth and putting them up at night, she said the lil female was gone for 3 days after her mate got killed, This was about 2-3 weeks ago she may not even be alive now. These are Mallards she hatched. about 3 yrs ago we gave her 2 Muscovy eggs and her chicken hatched them, they are long dead by predators.
Awww, what a sad story :(

On a brighter note, I'm trying to come up with new treats for the girls over the long winter nights. I read the ultimate list of foods for ducks, and I would assume the same applies to geese, but are there any exceptions? For example, it says no citrus for ducks. Would that be the same for geese? I wanted to try clementines.
Awww, what a sad story :(

On a brighter note, I'm trying to come up with new treats for the girls over the long winter nights. I read the ultimate list of foods for ducks, and I would assume the same applies to geese, but are there any exceptions? For example, it says no citrus for ducks. Would that be the same for geese? I wanted to try clementines.
I always heard not to feed citrus this is all I could find. post 4
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Ya, I'll stick to the no citrus then.
Me too losing 2 ducks this year to laying problems and feeding a good wholesome diet don't want to do anything to make matters worse..


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